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I need a Story...HELP!

Ok, so I'm making a game with an in-dev name of 深淵:良いゾンビの物語 (Shin-en: Yoi Zonbi no Monogatari) or in english, Abyssal: the Tale of the Good Zombie. Now, I know the basics, your MC is a Revenant (Zombie that can think and act for him/herself) and is one of the only 8 revenants in the Realm. Braumzir (just a placeholder until i think up a better "Dark Lord" name) wants you to go through several trials to see if you're fit to lead the over 500000 undead into battle against the humans, but while you're up in the overworld, you find that you're able to communicate with humans, and that doing so doesn't rot you, like it would any other zombie. The ending is basically that you can either side with Braumzir or with the Humans of Ello'Shin (realm name placeholder) if you side with Braumzir, you end up destroying the human civilization, and depending on how good you do, Braumzir will either end up wiping out the entire undead horde (you didn't get all the special hidden items) and has Ello'Shin to himself to start over...or you and your party get to stay as his right-hand men/women as he starts over. If you side with the humans, you help several warring states to stop fighting each other, and attempt to divert their attention at Braumzir. At the end, if you kill Braumzir, the Humans have to decide what to do with you and your party. if you collected all the special hidden items, you get to stay in the humans world, and become the masters of a new civilization, a pure civilization of Undead, where the Undead can be free, and live alongside the other races in peace. If you don't collect all the special hidden items, you are hunted by the humans for the rest of eternity, never to have peace again in your un-life. I need help with the story and Lore of this game, I have got the first 10 maps of around 7 to 9 thousand maps finished, but i would like some help with the lore and story. so suggest as you see fit.


Towns Guard
I'm not sure how you want to approach this. Do you want us to throw some ideas in this thread? Or are you looking for "team members"?

I like the idea for a game. I don't consider myself a good lore writer. I can give suggestions, feedback and ideas when others do the "original" creativity. I can write just about anything else, but I generally make things a bit ambitious, so be warned. Either way, you already have a good framework for the things you want in the game, so that's great and very helpful.

Let me know how you'd like to approach this.


Staff member
Are there a variety of different undead, both cognizant and not? Were the undead brought into this realm by a necromancer, or some other agent of forbidden dark arts, or possibly through experiment with the deceased?
I don't know enough about the story and characters to really give great advice, but I'll make some suggestions that you could use:

-You could have it that the Undead that can communicate with the humans, can only communicate with them for one reason. The "Undead Deed" or the "Undertaking" - which is the a destiny that the Undead must fullfil to be free of Braumzir. Once they've accomplished their "Undertaking" (I like the sound of Undertaking haha) they fade to dust into the heavens. Those who do not wish to fullfil their "Undertaking" will be part of the "Dark Ascension" who wish roam as the undead until there bodies turn to nothing but bones.

-The Good Guys who want to fullfil their "Undertaking" can be called the "Takers"
-The Good Guys turned Bad Guys who want to stay undead will be the "Ascenters"
-Those who were bad in their past life and do not have a choice of either of these and are called "Fleshers" (the highest population of undead)

You could have the main character start as a Taker, and be given a choice of whether to choose to continue his destiny (which is to save humanity) or to become an Ascenter and lead the Fleshers to destroy the human race.

Takers aren't well like upon the undead, where the Ascenters are considered leaders. The human sympathizers know of the "Takers" and want protect them, while most humans want all undead destroyed.

I'll let you add the rest, but I thought I could add some creativity. And even if you don't like the ideas I hope it gives you some extra thought to add to your game.

Are there a variety of different undead, both cognizant and not? Were the undead brought into this realm by a necromancer, or some other agent of forbidden dark arts, or possibly through experiment with the deceased?
yes, and i like the idea GrantDaGreat used, there are those people who are too "Good" to be a (as he said) 'Flesher' and are cognizant and generally they become the "Takers" the humans who are too "Evil" to be "Fleshers" however, become cognizant, and, based on their personalities, generally become the "Ascenters" the reason they are undead, is because of Braumzir, he is basically...a Dark God of sorts. and so uses the "Good Races"'s dead to attack them, however, his first attack (a moment in lore 5,000 years prior to the game) failed miserably, so for the past 5,000 years he has been gathering a force to attack the Good Races, and destroy them permanently. He has been experimenting with Abyssal Power, and gives some Zombies certain powers. such as (currently) Spreaders, whether you beat them or not, if they touch you, you are doomed to become a Zombie within hours of contact. this is why we have Undead in this game.
I'm not sure how you want to approach this. Do you want us to throw some ideas in this thread? Or are you looking for "team members"?

I like the idea for a game. I don't consider myself a good lore writer. I can give suggestions, feedback and ideas when others do the "original" creativity. I can write just about anything else, but I generally make things a bit ambitious, so be warned. Either way, you already have a good framework for the things you want in the game, so that's great and very helpful.

Let me know how you'd like to approach this.
Just put in ideas to this thread, and I may or may not use them, and if i do, i'll be sure to mention your name somewhere either in-game as like a...hidden something-or-other, or in the credits. Team members would be nice, but unless you have a Skype that you can connect every Saturday, It's not necessary.
[doublepost=1455317262][/doublepost]I still have Writers Block, I need help!


Dragon Goddess
I know one thing that always helps me when I have writer's block for my story is to stop and create some character biographies (as detailed or as simple as you wish) for your important characters. it really helps me since I usually write about their place in the world, a little about their past/where they are from and what their goals are etc etc.

you've got a pretty good foundation going on, but I don't know how much you have fleshed out your characters. I highly recommend that you make some bios, it always helps me to get the creative juices flowing because it's fun--like you're making pieces of the greater puzzle. :)

If I get any ideas for the stuff you've got going so far, I'll let you know!
I know one thing that always helps me when I have writer's block for my story is to stop and create some character biographies (as detailed or as simple as you wish) for your important characters. it really helps me since I usually write about their place in the world, a little about their past/where they are from and what their goals are etc etc.

you've got a pretty good foundation going on, but I don't know how much you have fleshed out your characters. I highly recommend that you make some bios, it always helps me to get the creative juices flowing because it's fun--like you're making pieces of the greater puzzle. :)

If I get any ideas for the stuff you've got going so far, I'll let you know!
ok, i'll try that. and thanks.
I plan to have the average FF # of maps, FF3 had about 3 or 5 thousand maps. it was a more-than-15-hour game. that's what I hope to make this. (not saying it's going to be good, it is my first game, after all, just saying that's the style it's going to be.)


Towns Guard
So, let's consider what we have up to this point.

There's this Dark Lord, Braumzir. He has tried to destroy Ello'Shin (earth realm) before, but "failed miserably". He has been regaining strength for the past 5.000 years, building his army out of deceased humans. He is now in the last phase of his plan, selecting the leadership of his army.

There are 8 Revenants, which are cognitive zombies. The Main Character (MC) is one of them. However, the MC is different in one aspect. He/she can communicate with humans, which doesn't rot you, like it would any other zombie.

The MC will have to choose between Braumzir and the humans. There are special hidden items that can be collected, which influence the ourcome of either side you choose.

Given this story, there are a few things I'd consider.

1. Do you want the player to be "thrown into the action"?

The story should start with a bit of background. However, when there's an important desicion early in the game, it's hard to balance the amount of information/dialogue compared to the amount of action.

Maybe the MC just arrived, freshly dead, in the realm of Braumzir. He arrives and is everything but welcomed friendly among his peers. He's a Revenant, so all the normal undead are envious. The other revenants are even more unfriendly, since now there's a new one in their midst. A potential competitor for any of their ambitions. The might argue and bicker with the MC to show their power and belittle him - while in the process exposing the player about some much needed lore. The MC is told about the army and the plans to destroy the human race. Finally, the MC is alone for a moment, giving the sense of rest. However, somehow (maybe as a total surprise), he start to communicate with a human telepathically(?).

2. Does the MC require the undead army or is this an optional objective?

3. The 7 other Revenants can either receive their own army of 500.000 undead, or they have to prove they're the best Revenant for the job and only one can be selected. Either way, I'd flesh out (pun intended) these characters, giving them personality and goals (like Micro suggested), so that information can be used while writing the rest of the story (and finally the dialogue).
3a If all of them can receive an undead army, it might be interesting if the MC is able to help or sabotage their trials, influencing whether the other Revenants will receive their army.
3b If only one can receive the army, the rivalry will become an important part of the story at first.

The next part of the game is all about the Revenants and Braumzir. The MC performs the trials set out by Braumzir. After each test, he can rest, giving him the chance/choice to communicate with humans.

The first tests will be about certain personality traits. For example:

* Viciousness
* Ruthlessness
* Ferociousness

4. Will those tests be performed in a "simulated" environment, or are they performed in Ello'Shin?

When they're performed in Ello'Shin, there are consequences to the actions performed. The MC might even become notorious within Ello'Shin, which could severly make it harder to convince the humans you want to help them.

5. How is the MC's party build?

I imagine this is a party comprised of fellow undead when you fight against the humans, but will be a party comprised of humans or loyal undead who'd follow the MC anywhere, when you choose against Braumzir. Does this party already play a role during Braumzir's trails? Or are those performed solo.

I'm out of time for now. Hope this helps with setting up the start of the story! Good luck.
I plan to have the average FF # of maps, FF3 had about 3 or 5 thousand maps. it was a more-than-15-hour game. that's what I hope to make this. (not saying it's going to be good, it is my first game, after all, just saying that's the style it's going to be.)
IIRC, FF3 had nowhere near that many maps. I can't find a source for this number. Either way, I'd heavily advise scaling down. I have never had more than 300 maps for one game (usually at the 100-200 mark) and testing becomes a nightmare, the more you have. Once you have an idea of what scale you want, you can base the story length around that. FF3 was quite heavily padded, with several maps between each story segment and cutscene.
So, let's consider what we have up to this point.

There's this Dark Lord, Braumzir. He has tried to destroy Ello'Shin (earth realm) before, but "failed miserably". He has been regaining strength for the past 5.000 years, building his army out of deceased humans. He is now in the last phase of his plan, selecting the leadership of his army.

There are 8 Revenants, which are cognitive zombies. The Main Character (MC) is one of them. However, the MC is different in one aspect. He/she can communicate with humans, which doesn't rot you, like it would any other zombie.

The MC will have to choose between Braumzir and the humans. There are special hidden items that can be collected, which influence the ourcome of either side you choose.

Given this story, there are a few things I'd consider.

1. Do you want the player to be "thrown into the action"?

The story should start with a bit of background. However, when there's an important desicion early in the game, it's hard to balance the amount of information/dialogue compared to the amount of action.

Maybe the MC just arrived, freshly dead, in the realm of Braumzir. He arrives and is everything but welcomed friendly among his peers. He's a Revenant, so all the normal undead are envious. The other revenants are even more unfriendly, since now there's a new one in their midst. A potential competitor for any of their ambitions. The might argue and bicker with the MC to show their power and belittle him - while in the process exposing the player about some much needed lore. The MC is told about the army and the plans to destroy the human race. Finally, the MC is alone for a moment, giving the sense of rest. However, somehow (maybe as a total surprise), he start to communicate with a human telepathically(?).

2. Does the MC require the undead army or is this an optional objective?

3. The 7 other Revenants can either receive their own army of 500.000 undead, or they have to prove they're the best Revenant for the job and only one can be selected. Either way, I'd flesh out (pun intended) these characters, giving them personality and goals (like Micro suggested), so that information can be used while writing the rest of the story (and finally the dialogue).
3a If all of them can receive an undead army, it might be interesting if the MC is able to help or sabotage their trials, influencing whether the other Revenants will receive their army.
3b If only one can receive the army, the rivalry will become an important part of the story at first.

The next part of the game is all about the Revenants and Braumzir. The MC performs the trials set out by Braumzir. After each test, he can rest, giving him the chance/choice to communicate with humans.

The first tests will be about certain personality traits. For example:

* Viciousness
* Ruthlessness
* Ferociousness

4. Will those tests be performed in a "simulated" environment, or are they performed in Ello'Shin?

When they're performed in Ello'Shin, there are consequences to the actions performed. The MC might even become notorious within Ello'Shin, which could severly make it harder to convince the humans you want to help them.

5. How is the MC's party build?

I imagine this is a party comprised of fellow undead when you fight against the humans, but will be a party comprised of humans or loyal undead who'd follow the MC anywhere, when you choose against Braumzir. Does this party already play a role during Braumzir's trails? Or are those performed solo.

I'm out of time for now. Hope this helps with setting up the start of the story! Good luck.
1. I think that's a good idea, the MC (originally named "Darelusia") is thrown into the action as soon as he's able to leave Shao'Ra (Catacomb-like town of Undead as soon as you exit the first Cinematic and get into the game as a Revenant) one Revenant for an inexplicable reason, likes you, and wants to be your friend, you later find out that this "Allak-Ber" was the original Mithril Knight, 2,500 years ago. since then, he's made mistakes and has become "Decayed"

2. Aquiring the army is an optional objective for either side, it is much harder to convince Fleshers to go against their masters, and so you will have to get everything exactly right, to cause the Army (or armies if you go against/lead the other Revenants) to attack Grum'Baar (finally looked up my original name for him, also, Ello'Shin is the continent, not the world. the World name is Baer'An)

3. yes, all 8 Revenants receive their own army of 50,000. You can either kill the Revenant to gain their army, cause Grum'Baar to think they did something so terrible that he had to rot them completely, turning them into a Spectre (Spectres do nothing but Guard towns), or convince them to join your party and gain their support (i.e. their army) doing any of these is extremely hard, but getting their support will be the hardest, but killing, decaying, or befriending the other revenants (other than Allak-Ber) is an Optional Objective.

Also, the Tests would be Viciousness, Ruthlessness, and Ferocity. (Ferociousness is not a word)

4. performed on Ello'Shin, at one point, if you complete the Trials without going to the Human Side "Too Early" you will completely overwhelm Bel'Ar, the human metropolis of Commerce. If you go through with it, the Humans will be on High Alert.

5. when on Grum'Baar's side, you have a party of Undead completely. When on Human Side, your party will consist of other Revenants and The Good Races's "Heros-To-Be"

I thank you, and it did help with my story.
[doublepost=1455381526,1455380891][/doublepost]Also, look at this.


J Spencer

When writing my own characters, I find that it helps to define a "Premise" to your story.
What is the main characters motivation? Why is he a Revenant, and perhaps why would he even consider siding with the humans? What is the conflict that drives him?


Okay, there's almost a flood of information here - and in some ways it's rather unstructured.

Let's start with the basics:

Now, I know the basics, your MC is a Revenant (Zombie that can think and act for him/herself) and is one of the only 8 revenants in the Realm.
MC is Revenant, one of 8.

Your first gap is to hash out balance of power. You've got an idea on power structure for the MC (1 overlord, 8 revenant, then the general army they're commanding). But, what did the MC do to apply or get selected to become a Revenant? What's his or her driving purpose to lead an army against humanity? Was there an event in their former life or current state that best such a strong prejudice and does it factor into the status of Revenant where they can think freely?

Braumzir (just a placeholder until i think up a better "Dark Lord" name) wants you to go through several trials to see if you're fit to lead the over 500000 undead into battle against the humans, but while you're up in the overworld, you find that you're able to communicate with humans, and that doing so doesn't rot you, like it would any other zombie.
Braumzir (apparently an overlord of sorts) is testing the MC for worthiness, loyalty, etc.

Here's where you have a pretty large gap - if what makes a Revenant special is the ability to think and act of their own volition, then you're faced with three big questions to answer:

  1. if normal zombies cant think or act on their own, by whos will do they act?
  2. if they act on the will of the Revenant, what gives an Overlord power over a Revenant that would impede or stop Revenant's from in-fighting and just taking out the Overlord directly? In short, what's the unifying cause underneath the simpler motive, "killing humans."
  3. The 'rot' that happens to any other zombie as the result of interacting with humans - is it propaganda for control or is it fact and the MC is 'that' special he or she somehow is free from that effect while others aren't (either make for interesting lore, in my opinion - but each also has their own deeper question to answer)
You're lacking, obviously, a middle - but you'll find that if you can broaden the lore you've established in the beginning, the middle typically magically appears.

Let's look at the ending:

The ending is basically that you can either side with Braumzir or with the Humans of Ello'Shin (realm name placeholder) if you side with Braumzir, you end up destroying the human civilization, and depending on how good you do, Braumzir will either end up wiping out the entire undead horde (you didn't get all the special hidden items) and has Ello'Shin to himself to start over...or you and your party get to stay as his right-hand men/women as he starts over.
So, if the player decides to be 'evil' and wipe out the humans he or she will be the strongest among 8, but not the strongest there is - at best the player is #2 and still takes orders from the Overlord in the end.

This is good for a loyal soldier archetype - one who follows orders and executes without hesitation. However, it's bad as a main character being given a choice. By default, choosing to refrain from destruction makes the main character a traitor and


Establish a strong MC sense of commitment to their mindset. Give the player 3 distinct opportunities to choose a set path. For example, in the beginning, have three instances of introspection and drive the point of Revenant's having autonomy.
  • Point 1 - Overlord charged MC with eradication of a small dusty town with a handful of people. Orders are to mercilessly kill all humans by any and everymeans available.
Most players will simply accept this is how it is. Orders given to attain a goal are typically fulfilled and currently, no consequence exists but it's a setup for the next choice.

  • Point 2 - MC enteres toewn, kills most inhabitants and upon leaving hears a child cry out. MC sends two underlings to investigate. Two parents and 3 small children are found hiding under a floor in a house. Because they're not autonomous, one of the underlings kills one of the parents. The MC does nothing about it but stops the underling from killing the second parent. MC questions the parent as to whether any other people are hiding (set that up how you want). Finally, the MC is asked by the parent to at least kill the children in a way they do not feel pain. - this is where the player chooses as they want without much guilt. MC can kill swiftly and let the parent watch to show integrity with proof. MC can kill parent and then kill kids swiftly and have no proof. MC can kill parent and leave kids to die of starvation and exposure (lied to parent), or finally the MC can just be brutal all around.
This lets the player choose to which degree they follow orders without letting them go completely rogue yet. It builds to a point where people find it horrific and shy away from that kind of thing or really get morbid and go head first. Basically, it should establish whether your player wants to actually be good or whether they will be the lapdog and follow orders without question. It also affords you the opportunity to give the MC some hint at realization his or her interaction with humans didn't damage them. It also may give an opportunity to drive irrational brutality over confusion as to why or the attempt to inflict 'rot' by talking to the MC.

Lots of paths in there I think.

  • Point 3 - Upon returning from the mission, the MC is rewarded and the Overlord makes a few statements commending the actions. These can be generic as in every outcme from Point 2, the mission is completed as instructed. As the MC is commended by his or her peers, he or she has moments of dialog where they get introspective and face the moral consequences. You should allow the player to choose their internal dialog - do they regret their actions and feel there's a better way to go about this, maybe peacefully or do they live for this kind of thing and wish only to serve the Overlord as the smiting right hand of undead?
This sets up a position where the player has full responsibility for the final choice, their first encounter with the human resistence (as I think of them at this point). When the MC meets the human nemsis, there should be a point of interaction where a discussion occurs and some kind of plea is made from one side or the other (does the MC express their desire or regret and seek power or forgiveness?)

Point 4 - FINAL POINT - script the dialog to make any choice final. Have the event be a strong enough interaction where the MC commits internally to their cause with no return, have them think about the potential outcome and what it means to them - afterall, most motivations are selfish anyway. What will the MC sacrifice if they help humans, what will they sacrifice if they kill humans. You can add subplot goals andrewards down the line, but this should be a solid base to build from.

If you side with the humans, you help several warring states to stop fighting each other, and attempt to divert their attention at Braumzir. At the end, if you kill Braumzir, the Humans have to decide what to do with you and your party. if you collected all the special hidden items, you get to stay in the humans world, and become the masters of a new civilization, a pure civilization of Undead, where the Undead can be free, and live alongside the other races in peace. If you don't collect all the special hidden items, you are hunted by the humans for the rest of eternity, never to have peace again in your un-life. .
I dig the multiple outcomes, but this also feels like the MC (and player) is punished for a lack of absolute perfection I feel like this system here sets the player up to focus less on story and enjoying the game and more on being forced to involve themselves in every aspect of what you're working on for the sake of collecting all items to get an ideal outcome. While this is something I can personally identify with ( I hate when I work on something nd no one takes the time to really appreciate it's depth), it loses sight of the objective in gaming - to have fun and escape the day to day.

Having a few items that turn the tide of battle and politics is great and often adds to the fun, but requiring them all to be there just makes it a really involved and detracts from replay value. I you feel its' essential - by all means, but if it isn't essential then I'll impart to you the wisest thing my college professor told me in Art: It isn't complete because there's nothing left to add, it's complete because there's nothing left to take away.

I need help with the story and Lore of this game, I have got the first 10 maps of around 7 to 9 thousand maps finished, but i would like some help with the lore and story. so suggest as you see fit.
In the spirit of my last paragraph, 7-9000 maps? Bruh, c'mon. Final Fantasy III (XI) had over 100. I played it for 198 hours on my first play through just getting all of what I could in a single run. Maps don't make a game good or complex - your story, the battle mechanics, and how well you use available assets will go much farther than hashing out thousands of maps.

I hope this helps give some ideas.