Indie Dev

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I can't believe that I'm doing this.

David FoxFire

I have to admit that I am very hesitant on doing something like this. It's because of the bad water that came to my past--read: I'm the most cyberbullied person you'll ever have on this forum--and every time I open up any kind of forum to get a conversation going, I get mega-trolled or someone just posts a long-winded disertation on how bad I am as a person. I also saw what happened to other's AMAs on other sites and it got me worried about something like that happening to me. Prime example is shown here and here.

That said, I have less than no fsking clue as to why I started an AMA thread. Guess I'm masochistic. Or maybe I just want to hear a decent conversation for once--yeah, right--and is wishing aganst reality for me. Or maybe I'd like to make some artwork based on your requests.

Or maybe I just feel that you're a more friendly lot and wouldn't mind Asking Me Anything because you won't broadside me with anything 15 years old or older. (It's okay if you want to ask me about that. Just don't be a dick about it, and we'll cool.)


Dragon Goddess
Wow people sure are mean D: I don't think anyone will treat you that way here! If they do, you just tell me, your resident dragon queen, and I will take care of them. :)

questions, questions... favorite color? favorite video game? polka dots or stripes?


Yeah, no mean stuff here or the mods will crush them!! Okay maybe that was a little over the top, but I jest! *ahem* I've had my fair share of dealing with jerks on the net, so I feel ya friend.

What is your favorite part of a video game?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Ohhh, I won't let anyone bother you. If anyone gives you trouble, just let me know! (devilish)

Do you prefer games in 2D or 3D?

David FoxFire

Before I go on, a word of thanks for your vote of support :) I really appreciate it.

From Micro: favorite color? favorite video game? polka dots or stripes?
Tie Between Red and Blue; The classic Sonic Series from the Genesis era; Stripes.

From Macro: What is your favorite part of a video game?
(Looks at the first two Askers' screen names and go WTF?) It depends on the game. It could be an epic cutscene that makes me save on a new file so I can go back and see it again. It could be a mechanic I just love to use over and over again. An awesome Good Ending that makes me work for it. And that sound of an real wooden 'knocker' on a pinball machine.

Oh, wait, that last part's about pinball. My bad.

From Amysaurus: Do you prefer games in 2D or 3D?

I'd prefer games to be 2.5D myself, or have 2D gameplay that operates in a 3D enviroment, where the path winds back and fourth around larger obstacles.

From MinisterJay: OK, When not DMing, what is the favorite character class you prefer to play?

Cleric. They're like the bass player in bands. Not the most glamorous jobs, but they couldn't be more vital.


Dragon Goddess
What is your favorite food? Are you craving anything right now?

....I'm hungry. probably because I'm tired and not going to bed. you get hungry when you're tired? xD if I ignore the tiredness, I start wanting to eat. arggghhh it's late, I really should sleep!

but wait, one more question! what time do you usually try to sleep by?

(Looks at the first two Askers' screen names and go WTF?)
Heh heh heh! (puppy eyes)


Before I go on, a word of thanks for your vote of support :) I really appreciate it.

From Micro: favorite color? favorite video game? polka dots or stripes?
Tie Between Red and Blue; The classic Sonic Series from the Genesis era; Stripes.

From Macro: What is your favorite part of a video game?
(Looks at the first two Askers' screen names and go WTF?) It depends on the game. It could be an epic cutscene that makes me save on a new file so I can go back and see it again. It could be a mechanic I just love to use over and over again. An awesome Good Ending that makes me work for it. And that sound of an real wooden 'knocker' on a pinball machine..
Micro is my sibling that decided to make their name similar to mine lol.

David FoxFire

From Macro:
What is your favorite food? Are you craving anything right now?

....I'm hungry. probably because I'm tired and not going to bed. you get hungry when you're tired? xD if I ignore the tiredness, I start wanting to eat. arggghhh it's late, I really should sleep!

but wait, one more question! what time do you usually try to sleep by?

I have few dislikes, mainly onions that haven't been fried, and nuts, which I'm allergic to. Otherwise, I'd try anything once, twice if I like it, and I try not to go to bed hungry. As for sleeping....well...I try to get to bed by 2-3 AM, because I'm a night owl by habit. Whatever or not I fall asleep by that time, however, however, that's another story.

Oh, you two are siblings, eh? Explains a lot. :)


Dragon Goddess
I'm a night owl too! \o/

What's on your desk right now? Do you have a favorite possession (not computer or other electronics)?

David FoxFire

Macro: Is that your in real life picture in your avatar?
Yes, it is, epic beard +1 and all.

Micro: What's on your desk right now? Do you have a favorite possession (not computer or other electronics)?
Two computers, three monitors and a whole lot of clutter. Favorite Possession? Would have to be my C-Pap machine. I couldn't imagine a more restful sleep without it.


Dragon Goddess
Macro: Is that your in real life picture in your avatar?
Yes, it is, epic beard +1 and all.
that is indeed one epic beard sir! you look so happy in that photo, I don't think I've ever smiled that wide in a pic before. I just have little smiles, people think I'm frowning (snicker)

if you could be anyone/anything for a day (including fictional characters, classes, creatures, etc) what would you be?

David FoxFire

Macro: On average, how many cups of coffee do you drink a day? (Assuming that caffeine fix you list there is coffee)
1-2 cups a day, max, but I also supplement it with Pepsi Max, Mountain Dew Kickstart, and an occasional 5-Hour Energy. So I'm pretty wired.

Micro: that is indeed one epic beard sir! you look so happy in that photo, I don't think I've ever smiled that wide in a pic before. I just have little smiles, people think I'm frowning (snicker)

Yeah, I should smile more. Without it I look too much like a Wyatt Brother from WWE.

if you could be anyone/anything for a day (including fictional characters, classes, creatures, etc) what would you be?
Disney Imagineer, for the sheer joy of building cool shit. I'll settle for RMMV, though, becuase that's more accessable.


Whoa, that's a lot! Haha but this week I've been pretty addicted to Diet Coke and about 3/4ths of regular Dark Roast coffee.

Oh a WWE fan eh? I used to watch it when it was still WWF. The 90s era was the best in my opinion, do you agree or no?

David FoxFire

Whoa, that's a lot! Haha but this week I've been pretty addicted to Diet Coke and about 3/4ths of regular Dark Roast coffee.

Oh a WWE fan eh? I used to watch it when it was still WWF. The 90s era was the best in my opinion, do you agree or no?
The Attitude Era? Yeah, that was my favorite. WWE today got so sucking that I could barely watch it. I have this line that could be the official Death Bell for anything: "Not worth the torrent." I actually had to say that on an Wrestlemania or two. (I forgot which ones.) Nothing else pretty much says that something sucks eggs much like people saying that it's not worth copyright infrigement just to see it.

* Note to Admins: I do not endorce copyright infridgement in this paragraph. Please re-read for the context.

David FoxFire

How was your Christmas? do anything fun?
It was a quiet Christmas thus far, which I prefer. I spent some time with my parents, and got a much needed new Printer. It'll continue with relatives later on this afternoon.

Since this is somewhat of an informal AMA, let me return the favor: How was everyone's holiday?


Yea, attitude era. I don't remember them calling it back then but I heard they do now. I never really had a favorite wrestler, but The Undertaker and Bret Hart really stuck to my memories. After Owen Hart got killed doing that stupid stunt they setup for him I stopped watching. It really REALLY bothered me when that happened. I was pretty involved with most of their lives (had the magazines, read their bios, played the games, etc.) so I kind of took it like losing a friend.

It was a quiet Christmas thus far, which I prefer.
Since this is somewhat of an informal AMA, let me return the favor: How was everyone's holiday?
This, definitely this. I'll take a quiet day over a noisy one with people drinking and shrieking anyday. Just hung out with the family, had a nice dinner, and enjoyed some relaxing Fallout 4 with my new video card.