Hello everyone! I'm back at it again with the white vans... I mean... I'm back from my long, 9 month hiatus! This means I'm home once again, and hopefully for a while! Tomorrow, on June 1st, 2016. I'll be doing a livestream on https://twitch.tv/xyphien I'll be giving away games, talking to everyone on ALL of the social media!
If you'd like to participate in this, and would like to discuss, talk in person, etc. Follow/Join me on these following links:
https://discord.gg/01034j9G31W4VDTHF (Official Discord Group)
https://discordapp.com/invite/0zhKU1SLzJFx0e6b (Amy's Unofficial Group)
Note: I'll be drinking, and generally talking to everyone. It will be more of a "I'm welcoming myself back" livestream XD I hope to see everyone there, and it'll be a great time to talk with everyone, and if you wish to voice anything, that's the perfect place to do so :D
If you'd like to participate in this, and would like to discuss, talk in person, etc. Follow/Join me on these following links:
https://discord.gg/01034j9G31W4VDTHF (Official Discord Group)
https://discordapp.com/invite/0zhKU1SLzJFx0e6b (Amy's Unofficial Group)
- The livestream will begin at 15:00 CST
Note: I'll be drinking, and generally talking to everyone. It will be more of a "I'm welcoming myself back" livestream XD I hope to see everyone there, and it'll be a great time to talk with everyone, and if you wish to voice anything, that's the perfect place to do so :D
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