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How often do you email users?


Staff member
Resource Team
When it comes to sending out mass emails, how often do you do it? Do you do it manually, or automatically? Do you find it to work at all?

I'm reviving a dead forum of mine, and starting out by giving out a free copy of Black Ops 3 as it's a gaming forum. I used the mass email XenForo has to send out an email to all the members with the giveaway post that is on the site. I personally find if you word your email correctly it can have a high impact on recurring members, etc. However, for the most part I tend to do mass emails manually unless it's the monthly newsletter on all the recent posts, etc. on the site.
Usually only if a major change occurs, such as if there was a move in software or something else major occurred on the site that the users need to be notified about, such as them having to change their passwords for security purposes, etc. :)

I try not to annoy my users with weekly emails like some sites tend to do these days. :)