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How Do You Plan Your RPG?

Hello RM community!

Yesterday I lost my hand-written timeline for my game's development. Nothing too strict, just a preference of what order I wanted to do what in, general "how long I want this to take" notes, detailed lists of what exactly needs to get done and what I need to find... but it got me wondering, especially for those who have completed one or more projects (or have come close): how do you plan your project out? Do you take a specific order in hashing out the details (story > character development > mapping > events, etc.), or do you just do everything on the fly? I feel most larger projects require breaking goals into smaller pieces (keeps the perspective optimistic and more short-term), but maybe some do it differently? For those who do plan with great detail, what are your steps?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Yesterday I lost my hand-written timeline for my game's development. Nothing too strict, just a preference of what order I wanted to do what in, general "how long I want this to take" notes, detailed lists of what exactly needs to get done and what I need to find... but it got me wondering, especially for those who have completed one or more projects (or have come close): how do you plan your project out? Do you take a specific order in hashing out the details (story > character development > mapping > events, etc.), or do you just do everything on the fly? I feel most larger projects require breaking goals into smaller pieces (keeps the perspective optimistic and more short-term), but maybe some do it differently? For those who do plan with great detail, what are your steps?
This is a good question, I have learned that everyone has their very own way of developing games. For me I start with the idea, a piece of the plot or a random thought that occurs, I then write it down and try to add as much details I can (Most of the time, not many details occur) I then start doing a few maps from the general info I already written down. The mapping step actually helps me think of more ideas which is the only reason I do it in this order. Then I go back to writing a bit more down, Items, enemies, weapons, more story details etc. etc. Then this is when I decide how I proceed, I look at what I got, I try and get a general idea of how long I want the game to be because the bigger it is the more you will need to set goals and little milestones, if it's big I write down a goal list, of many small things I want to accomplish by a certain date, if it’s a small game I skip out on writing goals and write down bugs and other important things that need to be done, this is more of a priority list to have a look at while developing. So basically my process is as follows.
  1. Write down idea and plot
  2. Map a few maps (To get more creative juices flowing)
  3. Write down more information (Database, Lore, etc.)
  4. If it’s a big game I write a goal list otherwise a priority list
  5. Start developing
  6. Tweak story as I develop
  1. Write down idea and plot
  2. Map a few maps (To get more creative juices flowing)
  3. Write down more information (Database, Lore, etc.)
  4. If it’s a big game I write a goal list otherwise a priority list
  5. Start developing
  6. Tweak story as I develop
So, for instance, with spells and casting animation, items, etc. would that all fit into #3 for you, or #5? Or is that something you work on throughout?


I'm just now starting my first game, but this is what I've started with:

  1. Figure out main character basics: names, ages, personality
  2. Decide on world type: magic? special abilities? both? modern? ancient? in-between? fantasy? sci-fi?
  3. Figure out special abilities, weapon types, etc for main characters (because I want it to match who they are)
  4. Start mapping things (basic ideas, thoughts on how the world should look pretty on-the-fly)
  5. Plot out adventure basics based on characters & world
  6. I don't know yet, haven't gotten this far. Will probably really work out items/equipment/etc as I develop the plot & world more. I like things to mesh well together, so I'll probably just break it down bit by bit as I go along.
  7. ???
  8. Profit! (or not, as it won't be a commercial game, lol) :-D
PS: I've found Excel is my friend for plotting out character growth, weapons, skills, etc in an easy-to-read format. I recommend it for organization purposes. :)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
So, for instance, with spells and casting animation, items, etc. would that all fit into #3 for you, or #5? Or is that something you work on throughout?
Step 3 would include as much database info as I can think of for the particular style of game I'm developing, this don't always turn out to be all of the stuff I need. So step 6 would also be tweaks to story and add to database as I develop. The reason for this is because things change constantly while developing, so for me I I don't like having everything written in stone before developing because this sets up for a lot of disappointment when all of a sudden that one piece needs to change to something different and you feel you don't want to because that's the way it was planned. So basically my method is making sure there is room for lots of change.

David FoxFire

I'll probably be planning and designing the game off MV for quite some time, although I have started working on maps (already got one finshed. One in a large city of about 500 different map areas no doubt). I'm also working on what I want to see in the database, and of course, getting the right plugins.

I refer to my earlier post on my own planning style, using OneNote and the Lord British 4D spreadsheet. It's great for organization.
I'll probably be planning and designing the game off MV for quite some time, although I have started working on maps (already got one finshed. One in a large city of about 500 different map areas no doubt). I'm also working on what I want to see in the database, and of course, getting the right plugins.

I refer to my earlier post on my own planning style, using OneNote and the Lord British 4D spreadsheet. It's great for organization.
500 different maps for one city? I want to do something like that, but where to even begin? Do you sketch concept maps ahead of time, or do you let your creative juices flow freely when you open MV and just map to your heart's desire? I seriously applaud that accomplishment, man. I was considering doing that but wasn't sure if it would be overboard, you know?


Steps to planning my RPG:

1) Stare at blank screen and mutter profanities under my breath for 1-1.5 hours,, in various languages.
2) Go get a drink from the fridge.
3) Watch Rick and Morty for 2-3 hours.
4) Go back to planning RPG ideas. Fight burning sensation in corners of eyes.
5) Kiss screen passionately in hopes that seducing the computer will result in inspiration.
6) Get a virus from the computer (somehow).
7) Cry myself to sleep.

David FoxFire

500 different maps for one city? I want to do something like that, but where to even begin? Do you sketch concept maps ahead of time, or do you let your creative juices flow freely when you open MV and just map to your heart's desire? I seriously applaud that accomplishment, man. I was considering doing that but wasn't sure if it would be overboard, you know?
I'm just starting on the maps, mind you, I'm just guessing. I have this city being the whole game 'world,' so you deal with blocks, buildings, particular rooms, crossroads, and what not.

I start a map by sketching them on grid paper, that way I'll have a ballpark idea on the size of each map (one square on the paper being a 3 X 3 or 4X4 area on MV) where I let my creative juices flow. Once I have the right idea, I can open up MV, calculate the right size (which is the biggest hurdle for me at this time) and then proceed to make both map and tileset. I have to say 'and tileset' because I end up combining tilesets and mix and matching them to get the graphics I want for the map.


I begin with a setting, example: man is on death row, just before being executed something unbelievable happens
I then create the initial map where the game begins. From there it is improvisation.


Towns Guard
I think of the story, and then specific points of the story i want to happen, ending etc then fill in the gaps with improvision as i make the game. I write down ideas and what i want to be solid.

CM Games

Towns Guard
Personally it depends on my mood at that given time. Sometimes when I wanted to re-create my plot and story I would have a few runs and walking. I'm also a runner so it helps me to think more clearly. Sometimes I listen to music mostly instrumental ones if I want to write story about pain or sadness for instance. It really depends..but when it comes to planning, I wrote it down. Every ideas whether it's a new story concept or characters I take down notes or draw what's in my head. It helps a lot specially if you have so many ideas in your mind that you want to be noted or saved to be remember later on. Here are some of my game ideas from my game Raven Noah that I drew in a notebook. CM

12074673_162276497451471_3686390717848715164_n.jpg 12079474_162278887451232_4171328109292484593_n.jpg 12096120_162271157452005_2431194775951988076_n.jpg 12096382_162280204117767_4185894990302997475_n.jpg 12115574_162276777451443_8268164727421080662_n.jpg 12144936_162279917451129_3301671371499266895_n.jpg 12074673_162276497451471_3686390717848715164_n.jpg 12079474_162278887451232_4171328109292484593_n.jpg 12096120_162271157452005_2431194775951988076_n.jpg 12096382_162280204117767_4185894990302997475_n.jpg 12115574_162276777451443_8268164727421080662_n.jpg 12144936_162279917451129_3301671371499266895_n.jpg


I don´t plan much on paper. If I have ideas, I write it in editor but I don´t plan the whole game before starting anything - that destroys my motivation sooner or later.

First I think of those things:

1. What genre shall it be? fantasy, sci-fi, action, mini-game... etc
2. What style should it have? It´s important to chose realistic, taking some examples from SNES/NES games helps
3. Making atleast the main hero and some character, where you think they should appear in the start of the game
4. Making some maps, try to make some inner rooms first, then 1 city and edit them so often until you are satisfied with it
5. The rest will be easier, once you find your style(chipsets, character-sets, etc)

The story is something I work on and think about, while making the game, because I always get new ideas while making it.

Something really important to keep on working on your project constantly:

Don´t work too much per day on it, make small pauses of... let´s say 1 day after you worked longer on your project. Don´t keep working on one element all the time, bring some variety in and work a little bit on this and that. for example, if I do a bigger city, I don´t concentrate hours and hours only on it. I work on battlesystem, other smaller maps, character, pictures, individual menues or events meanwhile to bring some variety in.

If you are unable to finish some maps or stuff, because you don´t have enough creativity at this moment or it´s just too much work... ask others in forums to upgrade your work or help you out in some way. That´s for example one of my plans: I simplify some maps for my current game, so that they just work for the moment, and let others who want to help out make it better.
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Bizarre Monkey

how do you plan your project out?
I don't.

Okay jokes aside, I didn't used to! Intelligence I just bashed things together and had a very basic idea of where it would go. Nowadays it's quite the process.
I have four artbooks beside me with oodles of concepts, design sketches, and storyboards.
Just a few samples.
Character Sketches
Monster Concepts
Area Concepts
Aesthetic Design Concepts
Design Concepts
Story Boards
Comic Depictions
Mock Ups
Game Titles
Scene Depictions
I can not be stopped. :0
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I tend to make a brainstorm/notes sheet, excel spread sheets to organize variables and events, then use Open Office to set up my dialogue inputs and character profiles, etc. The rest is mostly done in RPG Maker itself. I make "test events" and "event rooms" to try out the flow.

Since MV allows game testing WHILE making the game, I have a feeling many things will change for me..


Dragon Goddess
I usually make a basic brainstorm of the general plot and sometimes write various stories based upon my idea to develop the characters/world and get a better idea of what I want to do with it.

otherwise I'll just play around with RPG Maker and make something totally random and just roll with it until I get bored or something ha ha.