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How do YOU make friends?

Do you have a lot of friends?

  • Meh, I'm a loner.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • I have a few good friends.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • I have lots of friends. ^_^

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • I'll be your friend~ (lol)

    Votes: 4 33.3%

  • Total voters


Dragon Goddess
I was thinking about this randomly, so I thought I'd ask you guys: how do YOU go about making new friends?

for me, I like to hang out on forums and talk to people online. I talk to people a lot at work as well, but it seems pretty difficult to establish a meaningful relationship with them since we're always...well, working. I've gotten to know a few people, but they have quit by now or just work different shifts, so I don't see them anymore.

people come and go really fast, both IRL and online, and it's sad that it seems a bit tough to make lasting friendships!

how about you? how do you make new friends? do you have a lot of lasting friendships?

anyways, just discuss anything about making friends, your friendships, or whatever involving friends you want right here! I wanna hear all about it~ (hella)


Towns Guard
I'm pretty forward about it. CSCI is such a broad field and so I have to constantly be learning. So I'll have to know about Biology if I wanna do one thing or Psychology if I wanna do another. As a result I can then talk to people on their terms, and most enjoy talking about the things they do. And as a learner I'm excited to listen.


I think You can have only few true friends 2 or 3 may be.
With true friend you can talk about everything and you know he or she will never betray you, rest are just known people.
I have even one imaginary internet friend who is perfect, we have spent a lot of time together playing games and chatting :)
I don't really get a chance to make friends at work either, it's a very enclosed (but open plan) space and it's mostly small talk if we do say anything. All those office stereotype stories are true - you don't want the wrong person to overhear something! Plus, no deep talks :P

I guess I just mostly talk to people online via forums about hobbies (coding, gaming) and stuff.


Staff member
How do I make friends? By being friendly. I got into Psychology because I like helping people. In social media, I have a little over 1,500 friends, from around the world. Some ask to be my friend, because they know I a minister, and others, due to be being a game designer. Oddly when I was a teen and young adult, I was extremely sociophobic. Now, it is almost the direct opposite.


I suppose profession and where you generally hang out is a good measure. I learned internet friendships are mostly just talking back and forth. I can't have a realistic friendship over text since I need human interaction. Not to say I can't have fun with people on the net though, it's just not something I expect to be finding a "good friend" at.


Dragon Goddess
I have a little over 1,500 friends
omg you're one of those people on Facebook who adds everyone. (snicker)

pretty much everyone else seems to be the same as me though.

I lold at "imaginary internet friend" hahaha.

I agree with @Macro that it definitely has a lot to do with the environment you work in. once school life is over it's tough to meet new friends since most people are busy with SOs/kids >_>

glad to see there are others who enjoy talking/making friends with people online. :)
I don't really make friends. At least not close friends, who I hang out with and interact with. To start, I'm quite a shy, private person by nature. Also, I've been burned way too many times to care (online and offline), so prefer to keep it as "association". I'll always help out when someone needs the help. And I won't have any compunctions about telling them off if they cross the line. It's been this way for as long as I can remember. The few best friends I've had - those who stand by you no matter what - are long gone, either passed away or we went our separate ways and lost communication. To be honest, this kinda suits me just fine! (I have my wife, who is also my best friend!)


Staff member
omg you're one of those people on Facebook who adds everyone. (snicker)
I actually do reject a lot of friend invitations. Being a part of a lot of different international organizations has put in contact with a lot of people. I also have quite a bit of 1st and 2nd cousins, having had over a dozen sets of aunts and uncles.

In sales, I am naturally friendly, and that get me extra sales. :)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I think I need to define what I think a "friend" is first here, because the concept of friendship is not exactly something that has a universal definition. In fact, it's one of the least researched phenomena in sociology - oddly enough.
To me, a friend is someone I know IRL for starters. Someone I've met before and meet on a regular basis if possible. Someone I can talk to, someone I can be stupid and weird with, someone who's there for me and vice versa. As you can probably tell, finding someone like that is pretty difficult. And the one I have (at the moment) I've met purely by chance - and it took another year to realize that we had a lot more in common than we thought. So... making friends like these... I couldn't tell you how I do that. To be honest, I don't even know how to acquaint people properly IRL. I'm that weird. As a result I'm quite lonely from time to time since that one friend I have doesn't live exactly near where I live (she's in a whole other country at the moment, in fact).
So I guess it's a good thing that I'm a little more active online than I am offline. The only problem I have with online "friendships" is that they aren't really friendships. Not in the way I'd like to have them. Too anonymous. Too short-lived. Too impersonal. You don't even get to know most of the people. Maybe I should try to get to know some of them better, huh? Anyway, even here I purely stumble upon interesting people by chance. I'm very passive - an introvert. Someone who observes things from afar. And if no-one talks to me... well, then I won't be having any kind of conversation at all. Because I surely won't seek conversation. Far too shy for that.


Staff member
Resource Team
IRL: I'm a dick to them until they get use to me and then start being a dick to me. Then we form a bond of being assholes to one another.
Online: We play a game, and we party up and become besties. Or, I own a forum and then they stalk me from forum to forum forever (@sage)


Staff member
That one guy you were a mod on his forum keeps bugging you to join his new forums, and you cave after a week of their shameless begging each time.

Bizarre Monkey

Most of my friends start off as people who don't like me much but then slowly and surely they acquire the taste of Biz.

Others (though this is not common) see me for my talents, and get to know me through my games first, and then me. This might be the best way to get to know me, my games have more of a soul than I do, lmao.

The most common is an attraction to the chaos and absolute disregard I have for authority, one thing I commonly have said about me, from both those who don't approve of the way I do things, and those who are enamoured with me, is that while super brutal and unflinchingly cold in some scenarios, I'm a very fair person. There's no sugarcoating or lack of genuine transparency at the price of sensibilities, if I get annoyed or think someone is being fucking stupid, I'll tell them, I will also give praise where I think it is deserved, and it doesn't matter what you are, it's who you are.

You can get as much flak from me as an admin as you would were you a member, some of you may know I've received several warns in the past for being rude, that doesn't really stop me, the only thing I can really claim to be is an honest man, genuine.

That's why RMwebs doesn't like me much, they like to sugarcoat and hugbox everything, keep it all nice and sanitized, I only have to speak my name and all hell breaks loose over there.