No problem, and I'm sorry too, I was a fool back there, because to be honest, I never did any real work with Parallax so I can't judge how it would be in the end. Right now there's no battle system that catches my eye on MV, so I don't see any real reason now to invest in building in maps and try to cover its problems. I think when some real good battle systems like an ABS comes out, I shall take more serious works on tiles.
But if I could choose one thing to change, just one option, I would choose an option that would allow me choose the layer manually, just like it was in XP, I could select 5 different layers for everything. That option would solve most, if not all my problems here in MV.
Did you know that photoshop can also handle transparency in a non-transparent PNG file? In photoshop go to "Files", them go for
"Save for Web..." . There you will see a template full of small color boxes, they are all the colors that are in the image. You can select each color and them click in the transparency option bellow the template (a small chess like icon). Its a very usefull tool to rip off parts of the image, like you want rip out the river animation of the land besides it. Then just save it, and keep in mind that it will be saved as a GIF. so you will need to convert it back to .PNG later.