Depends on how much you want the player to interfere or be able to change the politics.
Political games have been done plenty, heh... you only need to look at Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Deus Ex, to see how far human politics can go to make good games, especially where player choice comes in.
Personally, I like to avoid alignment systems, mostly because all my games are linearly interrelated in ways. Typically in any political game I make, the player is pitted into an unfair, cruel totalitarian environment which they strive to through the avatar they role play as, correct.
No one likes totalitarian systems, after all, do they? Except for the one running them.
And even that gets depressing after a while, you know? You develop such a bleak outlook. Knowing that no matter what you do, no matter how many cruelties you inflict, people will just go on and give up, not care, it's only the few that do who give you a buzz.
And you'll have them killed, challenge them, so that one day, they might end it all for you. You see, I have had this power myself.
Seeing the same old friends again and again, meeting the same old enemies, over and over.
After a while, you begin to just let time go on without you, hoping something new will happen.
Limiting player choice isn't a bad thing, just depends what you're going for. An expansive ever changing narrative in an rpg maker setting?
Well, take it from me, buddy. It very rarely works. Which is weird, considering you have all the tools, powers and
now even plugins to make it as fiendishly twisted as you like.
But the amount of games like this that see the light of day... are very few!
Because they take effort, devotion, and a LOT OF RIGOROUS BUGTESTING.
But, I believe if one put their mind to it, they could very sufficiently make a good game with variables of this sort.
And I myself, have had cruel ideas while entertaining the plugin I linked.