This is the first time I'm seeing this post, and it is quite a disaster. It is littered with arguing and is going off topic. I think it's time to lock it.
If you wish to continue the discussion, you are free to make a post about it in the appropriate section.
We have general sections, as well as a suggestion section. You are free to post there.
Got locked out of my other account for some reason, so I made a new one. anyway this raises some valid points that I have seen briefly, and the staff instead of responding to these issues sweeps them all under the rug trying to hide the most influential character in all of the communities.
First off, you aren't supposed to make new accounts. That's against the rules.
We have addressed the same points time after time in announcements, I don't think that counts as hiding it under the rug.
If you want to see our responses to each question, look through that section.
Amy took the most popular of your user base with her. You killed someone quickly in your "community" who was very much a pillar of conversation and healthy activity.
Amy is still here, is she not?
I for one believe Amy should be credited for her work as well, she is a talented artist, and I even grew up going to a few of the same schools as her. It's simply rude to take others artwork and not credit someone, I credit all artists I use work from in my personal website, or respectfully say artwork is property of respective owner and will be taken down at the owner's request. you can commission whatever, but the artist should always be credited.
As an artist myself, I agree and disagree.
I agree that she should have credit. I thought I looked into changing that before, but I cannot remember. Nevertheless, it is no secret that Amy drew MV-Tan in the wallpaper. Are we not giving her credit by saying she did? We certainly aren't denying the fact that she drew it.
If it was my art, I probably wouldn't care if a website was using it without credit. I wouldn't make it for the website in the first place if I didn't want them to. Similarly, I understand the TOS, that they are the same TOS shared by most websites, and I can tell that they were never broken.
Have forum games with meaning, Role play, collaborate on joke community games.
Every member is capable of starting any of those things. Just as capable as us, in fact. Maybe even more so, since I don't own a copy of RMMV.
You do not need staff participation to have fun. There are only a handful of us, but there are hundreds of you.
I've been here far less time than biz and Amy, but I can see the problems looking through the forums, the forum needs active moderators with experience in their respective forum sections, admins should be actively starting new topics to help further creativity and healthy forum activity, as well as contributing to the sites development as a whole.
Biz hasn't been a member of the forum for months.
The admins,
@Xyphien and I are quite busy. The majority of the work is being done by the mods, who are doing a fantastic job responding to problems quickly.
I want to participate in the community more, but I am not a game developer, and the one thread I update doesn't get many comments (and I don't expect it to). I have my own goals and hobbies that keep me occupied and don't overlap with this forum as much as I would like.
And the owner should be taking in all complaints, advice, and suggestions with a grain of salt instead of ignoring them and sweeping them under the rug!
Again, this is not the thread for this kind of discussion. I encourage you to open up a thread giving suggestions to us.
However, we are
not going to discuss the same drama we have addressed a dozen times before. We have all grown weary of it, and nothing good will come of it.