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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
There are certain movies I really like, but I haven't found enough lately that I can really get into. I'm always up for Monty Python, LoTR, or sometimes even Harry Potter marathons, lol. A lot of movies nowadays just feel like I'm watching something I've already seen before, and that gets depressing.

I only touched on a few hobbies above, but I also like writing poetry and short stories (usually horror-esque), reorganizing/redecorating rooms, and decorating cakes/cookies. I also really enjoy making candy, especially pulling taffy. I'm kind of terrible about making desserts, though, because I don't eat a lot of sweets myself. I usually push them off onto my relatives or friends. (puppy eyes)

*fondly remembers carrying containers of muffins around during high school*


Dragon Goddess
Since its based on each other many ppl think this. You can improve your writting skills while reading and what you create with writting is something you can read. The two things are related but often mistaken for "almost the same thing".

Does drinking tea and collecting things count as hobby ?
I think that's only true to an extent, like in the very early stages of life. learning how to read helps you learn new words, words that you can use in your writing. it also helps build a foundation for ideas/inspiration--things you will tend to write about. like me, I read a lot of mythology when I was younger because that's what I enjoy, and you can see that foundation in a lot of my stories.

But once you have a robust vocabulary and good understanding of your language + your writing foundation (like your source of inspiration, the stuff you know you like to write about) I feel that reading doesn't really help. Maybe reading new genres can help? I dunno.

Nowadays I feel that what helps most with writing is going out into the world and seeing stuff, but really, anything can inspire you--including reading of course. I just don't feel that reading "improves" one's writing after a certain point.

damn i rambled, i dont know if that made any sense. im kinda tired sorry haha. i think im just at the point where I feel that nothing can really improve my writing other than getting really technical, which is boring. I do like learning new words, but I feel that using big words just makes a story more tedious to read. I tend to follow the KISS rule xD

TL;DR: IMO reading can only improve your writing to a certain extent; it helps to build your foundation/writing style at a young age, but beyond that I think it is a myth. reading can--like almost everything in your life--inspire you to write something, though

to me, the most important thing about writing will always be your imagination. not your grammar/spelling or how many big words you can use...but yeah. I just felt like saying that.

ok bye (snicker)

EDIT: Of course collecting stuff counts. I love drinking tea too. i guess if you make it a hobby, like actively trying new teas and becoming a tea connoisseur, then yeah it would be a hobby


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
You're right. Maybe it's just because I'm still very young and learning all the time but the imagination aspect is pretty important. "The freedom to do whatever you want to" you don't have everywhere. But i think there are still books we can learn from, aren't there? Like these books written by super intelligent people which can't be read by average adults. It's okay idk if i make sense XD we'll better stop here now and leave the writting topic. The imagination is like the biggest and most important aspect of writing.
Bye (cheeky)

Edit: nevermind, my brain is gone since holidays started. Can't think anything straight through anyway. I'm tired and should just go to sleep(sleep)
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Dragon Goddess
But i think there are still books we can learn from, aren't there? Like these books written by super intelligent people which can't be read by average adults.
yea of course, but I was just talking about reading improving your writing ability, not your general knowledge. say you want to write a book based on baking, of course you need basic knowledge of that and you'd probably read some books on it or something. but does that in and of itself make you a better writer? arguable, but overall I'd say no. does it make you more knowledgeable so you can write a better story? yea. so like I said, you can argue that this makes you a better writer, because you are more knowledgeable about stuff. . .

I guess it's subjective, in the end. I'm basing my opinion solely on writing style and the foundation that style--your imagination.

a good writer knows what they don't know, and what they need to know, to write a good story.

blah blah blah this post is useless, mostly just me giving some thoughts about it all. totally subjective, of course. I like thinking about stuff like this if you couldn't tell ha ha..


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Micro, @Cunechan The writing topic would be great for a new thread, but let's please get back on topic ^^

(.... When I was younger, building with Legos, K'Nex, Tinker Toys, Lincoln Logs, any building toys, was my hobby.)


Dragon Goddess
@Micro, @Cunechan The writing topic would be great for a new thread, but let's please get back on topic ^^
This is on topic; we're discussing writing, which is our hobby (tongue) this topic was created to discuss all hobbies and anything pertaining to them--very broad topic of discussion. I made this thread, I know what on topic is, don't worry. (puppy eyes)
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Micro: Broad discussions are fine - what I'm suggesting is that the writing discussion have its own thread so that it can be further expanded upon/easier to find for others. (cute)

*tries to think of more hobbies*

Making jewelry is something I've done for a few years now - I even have a tiny hammer and anvil! (cheeky)


Dragon Goddess
@Micro: Broad discussions are fine - what I'm suggesting is that the writing discussion have its own thread so that it can be further expanded upon/easier to find for others. (cute)
that discussion is already done lol. it was like 3 posts. I try not to make unnecessary threads because it floods the forum

that said, I used to make beaded jewelry a while back (looooong time ago) when I did craft shows with my mom. fun times!

EDIT: I sold them for like 25 cents each and was so excited when i sold them all rofl
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Bizarre Monkey

Love art, crafts, video game make, and several other creative hobbies.

One that I am often met with surprise about is costumeering, which probably isn't a real word!

When I was younger, I used to make LOADS of cardboard models of things, then I got into the making stuffed toys phase.

Later those interests would all help in my one true love, game dev.

But there's one more.

Writing. I love being good at writing, I love all the silliness of the English language, and the quirks that can be instated through the misuse or sometimes, correct use of it!

I'm also a fan of violent cartoon antics and other more theatrical things. Beside me I have many toy weapons that sometimes, I swing around like a lunatic, so long as I'm certain nobody is watching! :0

The exception to the above is when I dual wield lightsabers, that needs an audience!
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Alcha Emy

Towns Guard
Lemmmmmmmme seeeeee. Alchemy,blowing things up, eating, Alchemy, blowing up stuff up with bigger explosions, hanging out with my besty Anny and Norman, Alchemy, and um....oh yes! Blowing stuff up :3

Magus Gar Kan

Towns Guard
My non RPG maker hobbies include writing, art, video games and cartoon shows.

However, my more involved hobbies tend to be more analog.

I'm a longtime player of pen and paper rpgs, even to the point of doing a little published writing. I run two different pathfinder games and am also involved in a Vampire Larp.

Besides that, I'm heavily... almost too heavily, invested in Warhammer 40,000.