Thank you. I hope that I will become a full member of your community. With regard to the project ... I can not finish even one. Ideas for new projects come out of me in large quantities. I just do not have time to realize all this. And unfortunately I do not know how to draw new tiles. Or rather, I can draw something, but in a very simple style.For I am eternal and all-knowing so I must say this... no one is ordinary. You are extraordinary.
Hello there and welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy your stay here. I also wish you the best of luck with your project if you have one!
I feel empowered. I feel... I feel like a Lord now that you've said your community. Very much so. I shall have followers and these followers will kill with everlasting hunger for death and the desire to cause pain.Thank you. I hope that I will become a full member of your community. With regard to the project ... I can not finish even one. Ideas for new projects come out of me in large quantities. I just do not have time to realize all this. And unfortunately I do not know how to draw new tiles. Or rather, I can draw something, but in a very simple style.
Yes I know. But it turns out is not so beautiful, when you change the size of the tiles. But repaint insufficient skills.Hi @Sondju , and welcome to the community. Another thing to think about in the transfer is that the base tile size changed from 32 X 32 to 48 X 48.
Almost immediately I find the right resources. The style is different from the original tilesets, but ... Better a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Other resources will search as needed. Tanks to all for this beautyful siteand Jodis for his farm set