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Hi! I'm Clint. :D


I'm here to introduce myself. I've been doing a lot of pre-prod work for a project the past 3-4 months or so. It's finally reaching to a point where I got a writer and we're getting a good grasp of the story and scope we want to deliver.

I'm actually here to find out more about the community and do some recruitment here and there! :D

That's all. Thanks for dropping by. :D Sincerely hoping people here are friendly. xD


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums! There are plenty of people here that can give you a hand if you want, across various aspects of game development. :)


Welcome to the forums! There are plenty of people here that can give you a hand if you want, across various aspects of game development. :)
Hi! :D Thank you for the welcome.

I was wondering- am I allowed to post on the Project Recruitment even though I'm fairly new. xD


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
You can be whatever you want to be. Be new, old, ancient, and even dead.


Welcome to the forums, the housing of chaotic me. I wish you the best of luck with your project. And I hope you enjoy your stay here!
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Praised Adventurer
Good morning, @ClintHennesy , and ...

... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. Yes, the folks here are, without exception, friendly and, yes, if you're looking to recrute, 'Project Recrutement' would be the place to do it..!


Wow. It feels really nice how peopel here are pretty active. :o :o :o

Thank you all for the warm welcome! Sincerely acknowledged and appreciated. :D


Global Moderator
Nice to meet you Clint! I'm curious, what do you consider 'pre-prod work"? To be honest, I've never seen the term. It intrigues me.

That said, I'm glad you're feeling more confident- and that you came here for the community itself. That's a great reason! Recruitment isn't bad either, of course...But I think the community here is wonderful, so you should find more than just some help- you'll find lots of friends!


Nice to meet you Clint! I'm curious, what do you consider 'pre-prod work"? To be honest, I've never seen the term. It intrigues me.

That said, I'm glad you're feeling more confident- and that you came here for the community itself. That's a great reason! Recruitment isn't bad either, of course...But I think the community here is wonderful, so you should find more than just some help- you'll find lots of friends!
Hey Junberry! :D Glad you asked- and I'm always excited to share some of what I know. :D

"Pre-prod" is short for pre-production. It's basically just the planning stage out of any game- or production for that matter. Think of it this way- before you want to spend 20++ hours making an entire game on the engine itself, you can spend 2-4 hours making a document of the list of dungeons, the list of monsters in these dungeons, the bosses, what skills the bosses have, etc. It's basically just planning- and it comes in all aspects: art, story, gameplay, etc.

Hmm... Like- Concept Art, sketches, and Character Design is part of "pre-production"- but the actual sprites and "Character Art" used in the actual game are part of "production".

Hope that explains a bit. xD I'm glad to help out if you have any more questions. I'm always open to helping out those who ask. :D


Global Moderator
Alright, good- so it was Pre-Production. To be honest I wasn't fully sure if I was right on that, because I for some reason was thinking "pre-project" and realized it didn't fit. But I see...So you're the type who likes to plan enough. I tend not to plan heavily and go with the flow for my personal projects..But I'm starting to do quasi pre-prod while still not doing it, if that makes sense. thanks for teaching me!


Alright, good- so it was Pre-Production. To be honest I wasn't fully sure if I was right on that, because I for some reason was thinking "pre-project" and realized it didn't fit. But I see...So you're the type who likes to plan enough. I tend not to plan heavily and go with the flow for my personal projects..But I'm starting to do quasi pre-prod while still not doing it, if that makes sense. thanks for teaching me!
Yep yep. :D
Normally- when working on solo projects (and sometimes, even smaller teams)- you can actually be pretty spontaneous with your workflow.

From my experience though, when it involves other people of very different experience and backgrounds, you sort of have to be a bit more structured. I've been in teams before that did things spontaneously- and a lot of times, people just weren't on the same page. Artists would be doing assets for writing that were still to be modified- and this can end up with "Oh- that character you did won't be used anymore... Sorry. :-l" (*coughs from Experience*). One comic project I had tried to get things done asap- that when we did the pages and the script at the same time- and when we tried to put the words onto the actual pages- there wasn't enough space. We didn't have enough time to plan where the speech bubbles were.

But yeah. :D Haha. I wasn't much of a planner until I realized that not planning enough on a team with lots of people can end up *messy*


Hi Clint. Welcome to the community. Just curious, will Edun be PG? Edun is Nude backwards... ;)
Ahhh. Funny how you noticed that. Well- there's a story behind why it's named Edun. :P
The reason why it's "Edun"- or Nude is cuz the entire Philosophy behind the story is "transparency".

It was named all the way back in 2009 and I sort of just stuck with that. :P haha.