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Hi everyone ! :D


Hello :D I'm 25 years old, i'm an italian girl and first I have to say i'm sorry if I do some mistakes with english or/and with the forum ^^' I usually don't use forums.
But now I NEED to create my game, it's an obsession for me. I think I have a great story and I want to create my game because I want to play that story. I don't know if someone here can understand this feeling...
Probably this is not the right place for a question but:
It's possible create the game and then find someone for improve the graphic of the game?
I'm not able to use Photoshop and similar programs, so my game is not good about graphic.
A friend tell me I cant find someone who help me if i don't have already create my game, but can I find someone after it is done?
I'm so sad because if I was rich there was not this problem XD


Staff member
Hi Punchy, and welcome to the community. Your English is pretty good. I have often times made games, and use graphics as place holders, until the desired graphics were available. Have you ever tried a free shareware program named GIMP? I use it for creating and editing all of my custom images. YES, you can find someone to help you while you are making a game to help you with the graphics. Some may even be able to help you for free, depending on what you are looking for. Looking forward to seeing what your avatar will look like.


HI ^^
At first thank you for give me an answer. I used to work with gimp about 10 years ago because of a site, but now I'm trying to learn a little bit of photoshop, my boyfriend have it. However I'm not good enought for what I want to do.. I'll need probably to make a little video too..
I think I will complete the beta version of the game for convince a graphic designer.. I hope someone will believe in my project :D

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Hello :D I'm 25 years old, i'm an italian girl and first I have to say i'm sorry if I do some mistakes with english or/and with the forum ^^' I usually don't use forums.
But now I NEED to create my game, it's an obsession for me. I think I have a great story and I want to create my game because I want to play that story. I don't know if someone here can understand this feeling...
Nice to meet you Punchy. I understand your obsession for creating your game. I'm sure you have very good ideas (heart)

Probably this is not the right place for a question but:
It's possible create the game and then find someone for improve the graphic of the game?
I'm not able to use Photoshop and similar programs, so my game is not good about graphic.
A friend tell me I cant find someone who help me if i don't have already create my game, but can I find someone after it is done?
I'm so sad because if I was rich there was not this problem XD
You're asking for an artist? I might be able to help you. Just let me know what you need made. I try not to do sprites these days. There's a character generator in case you wanted to make characters. But if you're looking for other things like nice pictures or maps I might be able to help. (cute)


HI ^^
I'm not sure that's possible to create what I imagine.. so I think it is better if I complete the game before.. for example I'd like to have a little video at the beginning of the story and an animation for the emergence of the protagonist ( he arrives in a forest using a.. teleport). I'd like to insert a video with the protagonist that fly on a dragon up in the sky. I think about this videos because I'm not sure about I could make this things in game. If I found a simple way for do this, or for make the player understand what happen, I could develope the game alone and not make problems to a poor artist. xD
I know It's hard do this things so I'll try to bypass the problems. Thank you all


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums @Punchy! Glad to have you in this fantastic community. We're all here to help you with your endeavours, so if you have any questions, or need any assistance at all, don't be afraid to ask! Remember, the only silly question is the one never asked. :)