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Hi Everbody.


Hey everyone,

I'm just a wanna be writer who stumbled his way here while looking for RPG MV resources. I'm a decent writer, a novice coder/eventer, and an awful mapping person.


Global Moderator
Nice to meet you fellow writer! What makes you see yourself as a wannabe? I feel that if you write, you're a writer- though that's partially just from reading too many quotes from NaNoWriMo folk and such.

I'm not great at mapping either, but I'm probably at least mildly better at it than coding. We should share tips while learning new skills. And maybe writing tips too- no writer is perfect, after all. Writing has all sorts of skills involved, and we all have parts we're better at. Like...My dad is great at describing a scene, but sucks with dialogue. I can write pages of dialogue no problem, but my scene descriptions could really use some work. I think it's the same with skills used in RPGmaker in general though. Some types of mapping are easier to me than others. I am way better at making the inside of a house than a world map. I should beg someone to teach me -.-

Er, rambling aside...You chose a great place to meet new friends and flourish as an RPG maker in the making. Let's have fun learning and growing, kay?! :D


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Hello there and I welcome you to the forums of chaos. I wish you the best of luck with your writing and I hope you enjoy your stay here.


Praised Adventurer
Good afternoon, @DmNerd , and ...

... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. An awful mapping person or a person awful at mapping..?