Indie Dev

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hi guys! I'm new with MV but I hope to make soon a minigame to release!
I played a lot of games made using MV. One of the best it's killer gin, so now I want to try to make a cool rpg like that!
I'm also a pixel artist, but to make my first game, I want to try to make something on easy to play and not so long! So I can test and try this tool!
Nice to meet you!


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Resource Team
hi guys! I'm new with MV but I hope to make soon a minigame to release!
I played a lot of games made using MV. One of the best it's killer gin, so now I want to try to make a cool rpg like that!
I'm also a pixel artist, but to make my first game, I want to try to make something on easy to play and not so long! So I can test and try this tool!
Nice to meet you!
Welcome to your new home!

Nice to meet you too @George88.

Can't wait to see what you create!

We're all here if you need help & you get stuck feel free to ask.

Happy Game Making! (cute)(icecream)


Loops and labels for dialog? What what?
Labels are so much better to use then loops, I find my self getting stuck in a loop with-in a loop :(
I would recommend learning how to use labels if you are writing dialog with lot's of choices.

For example; let's say you have a person who tells you 3 riddles. Each riddle has 6 possible choices.
You would want to use "labels" / " jump to label"" in dialog to make such a thing work.


Labels are so much better to use then loops, I find my self getting stuck in a loop with-in a loop :(
I would recommend learning how to use labels if you are writing dialog with lot's of choices.

For example; let's say you have a person who tells you 3 riddles. Each riddle has 6 possible choices.
You would want to use "labels" / " jump to label"" in dialog to make such a thing work.
That does sound useful. I recently bought GENE, do you think that is a good way to create dialog?