thank you, guys. I hope I can share more with you in the future^^
well, actually I just borrowing the name "Odin" from that myth. Because I don't really know about the mythology so just trying to play safe.
Odin here is an anima of a king in the ancient time, back then when people still know how to use their animas (it's more to Jung's psychology thing "persona"). Odin is the anima of that great king. He was awaken by certain fellow in current game time on a personal purpose. I'm using those names for animas.
the main character itself is an happy-go-unlucky gladiator who always got things blow on his face (it's an expression, actually) but trying to keep his optimism and do his best. he then hired by a great magician who doesn't really need his service. but in the end he saves the day.
I'm just trying to create a fun game, for this is my first time. thx for asking, anyway :)
I like 8 and 12 because the characters are interesting, I really really like their gameplay too. Hiroyuki Ito is awesome ^_^