Indie Dev

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Hi, I'm an 18 year old male that has some experience in rpg maker (made one eight hour long game) in rpg maker vx ace but didn't post it online. I hope i can improve my RPG Maker skills alot from now on.
I like pretty much all Final Fantasy games(played em' all), and a lot of other titles by Square Enix(played almost all of them). My Avatar is Noctis (protagonist) from Final Fantasy XV which i hope comes out for PC (probably not).
I've been an RPG fan all my life and i've played em' all probably :)
Not sure i'm gonna be a super active member in the forum, because i still have school and stuff but every once in a while i'll try to come and say hi and stuff.
Nice to meet you all!
Life is short and sweet so better have fun playing RPG's am i right?!


Praised Adventurer
Welcome to the forum!

I like your way of thinking, I hate people who put off fun for other things, it must be a boring life. I think you'll enjoy it here, most of us are the laid back, fun loving kind of people. It's understandable that you can't be too active, life always comes first, but I hope that it doesn't make you forget about us, as it's always nice to have more regulars around here. =)

I hope to see you around!


Staff member
Hi @Backsttaber , and welcome to our fun forums. I look forward to seeing one of your games. I love MV. I m finally finishing a lot of projects. WHat part of game design do you like the most?


I like character design the most. Sometimes i make them look like actual characters from games, although there may be slight differences(also there are copyrights 2 respect). Im still new at this, and the last RPG maker i used was the vx ace, so im still adapting to this new one. ie: just noticed there are no doors 2 place on the map, unlike before. With my exams its hard to have time for game making, but i've managed 2 finish my characters and 2 maps. I've done about 1/3 of my personal "skills" set. Still in early stages of my "work".


Hello and welcome to RMMV! I hope you have fun and find what you are looking for here. ^_^

Ya, RPGs are life!


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hey and welcome to the forums(cheeky) I hope ffXV comes for pc too. I've seen the trailer years ago can't even remember how long we're actually waiting for this game now XD Anyways have a nice time here in the forums and I'm looking forward to seeing some of your contributions in the future. Have fun~


FFXV has been on the making since 2006, and it´s coming out this year, no precise date though :/
And i'll also try to show what i've got up my sleeve(not much yet)