Indie Dev

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Hello to All


I can't stand seeing that my "account setup" is only 70% complete unless I make an introduction, so here I am (cheeky) I'm generally not much of a talker/poster unless I'm trying to help someone with RPG Maker so I may be one of the quieter types.

I have been using the RPG Maker and Game Maker programs since 1999, starting with RPG Maker 95+. And while I have never devoted time to learning the scripting side of things since it was introduced with XP I have tinkered with it here and there but by no means have the skill to call myself a "scripter". With anything else I'm perfectly capable and willing to help people and I enjoy it immensely, probably mores so than actually developing games (cat)

I thought I better give MV a try (just downloaded it earlier today). I've been fiddling with 2003 and XP quite a bit lately but I was drawn to MV for the side-view battlers and new character sets (glad) I'm a hoarder when it comes to resources; I guess it's like collecting baseball cards or something lol

Anyway, enough about me. It's time for bed as I begin week three battling bird flu.


PS - I hate birds...


Staff member
Hi @Squeeble , and welcome to the forum. Hoarder of resources? We have over 700, including over 200 plugins. Looking forward to seeing you around the community.


Thank you! I am indeed exciting to begin perusing the resources you have around here (cute) Being that I only started with RPG Maker MV today I don't have much beyond the included resources. Time to start hoarding! (jolly)


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the site! I'm glad to have you here, and I hope to see you around the forums!
I share your pain for hoarding resources. I bought basically every VX Ace pack outside of some of the music ones without even starting a game for years, bookmarked resources in a huge folder and hadn't even started a game. Now I have it's useful but it does feel like you're more of collector in the middle there.

Welcome to the forums, you'll be happy to know that RPG Maker MV's scripting side is much nicer than the ones that came before it, so maybe you'll go from a tinker to a scripter.