Indie Dev

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Hello, just started; looking for advice


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums @Sephiran59! Glad to have you in this fantastic community. We're all here to help you with your endeavours, so if you have any questions, or need any assistance at all, don't be afraid to ask! Remember, the only silly question is the one never asked. :)

There are several tutorials on YouTube for getting started with RMMV (which is what I used to learn). Otherwise, chuck a post up in the MV Support forums and people will be able to help you out. :)


Towns Guard
As lore said there are several videos up on YouTube as well as a plethora of help on here. Also google searches can be very helpful. one recommend I can make is as a beginner you will want to get Helios Paint. It is a good basic program similar to paint which is very capable of doing transparencies.

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Personally recommend you learn eventing and the event editor. If you know how to use these, you can do just about anything with or without plugins. Plugins will make developing your game easier but if you're one of those guys that like to learn how to do everything, then this is the foundation for it all.