Great web site with some great art. A lot of talented people are here.
I am making my own game and have just upgraded from Ace to MV so I have just finished sorting the scripts out for MV..
Not sure if you can mention names of the people who wrote the scripts but I have found some that are better then anything I had on ace! ( unfortunately the instructions are in Portuguese so it was a little slow going but well worth it!)
So a bit about my game.
There will be lots of crazy monsters and robots which I have created. There will be lasers and swords. Princesses and cyborgs. Unique magic and ability's.
You waking up with amnesia, orbiting an unknown planet.
With the ships power on critical you have no choice but to adventure out to the new world.
Well I'm not sure what else to say.
So, Ta-ta for now :D
I am making my own game and have just upgraded from Ace to MV so I have just finished sorting the scripts out for MV..
Not sure if you can mention names of the people who wrote the scripts but I have found some that are better then anything I had on ace! ( unfortunately the instructions are in Portuguese so it was a little slow going but well worth it!)
So a bit about my game.
There will be lots of crazy monsters and robots which I have created. There will be lasers and swords. Princesses and cyborgs. Unique magic and ability's.
You waking up with amnesia, orbiting an unknown planet.
With the ships power on critical you have no choice but to adventure out to the new world.
Well I'm not sure what else to say.
So, Ta-ta for now :D