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Hail and well met!


There were lotsa hellos out there, so I wanted to make my own entry a bit more original. So, here's my greetings to all of my fellow game designers who spend their time working to make the perfect game. My hat is off to you!

I am among you, although I am no-one special. I merely consider myself a collector of knowledge and a seeker of perfection, affine to the way of writing as well as some skill in design, coupled with a meagre knowledge of tinkering with scripts. I like making simulation-based games where choices are involved which increases the flexibility of the character and makes them an avatar.

My activity, however, is very, very low. I am only online once or twice a week for a few hours, and that's it. However, supposing that I get the resources I need, I'm quite the diligent and crafty worker.

Drop me a line! I'd be interesting in meeting some folks.


Hi @BlacksmithMV . Almost every RPG needs a blacksmith. What kind of games do you like writing for?
Given my low level of experience, that can be hard to say. I write fanfiction in my spare time, so writing in general is pretty fun for me. But to answer the question, I'll throw a wild ball out there and say that fantasy would likely be my mainstay. I could probably do good work in modern and horror settings too- just gotta expand my resume a bit with experience.

Bizarre Monkey

Greetings new fella! I'm Biz, I like to think I'm a pretty good writer, hihihi! But I'll let you judge that in your own time.

I'm the mastermind behind the RPG Maker Sensation: Intelligence, as well as several other games you may not have ever heard of but possibly may have. I'm the creative developer, writer and designer and also leader of Corporation XVI, and as a result, the closest thing The Crazy Chimp Collective has to any sort of governing body. My better 15 aid me in the creation of games, some simply outsource some art for the albums that another composes for, while some do art in the platoon of games we work on.

Looking forward to seeing you around, however brief you may think it'll be!


Greetings new fella! I'm Biz, I like to think I'm a pretty good writer, hihihi! But I'll let you judge that in your own time.

I'm the mastermind behind the RPG Maker Sensation: Intelligence, as well as several other games you may not have ever heard of but possibly may have. I'm the creative developer, writer and designer and also leader of Corporation XVI, and as a result, the closest thing The Crazy Chimp Collective has to any sort of governing body. My better 15 aid me in the creation of games, some simply outsource some art for the albums that another composes for, while some do art in the platoon of games we work on.

Looking forward to seeing you around, however brief you may think it'll be!
Well, I should say it's an honor to meet such a defined developer! I figure my own skills may pale by comparison, but I'll grow. :P I've never heard of any of your games, but I'll look into them! Can't say that I have any releases of my own- just one uber-complex game which may never see the light of day due to its complexity if it can't be puzzled out. I may work on that later. With MV out, it may be shifted over to MV which'll take some work.


Studious Dark Lord
@BlacksmithMV while I'm still a newbie here, I love parallax mapping! If you have any questions I'll try to answer it, although the staff here is very friendly and may answer before me.
[doublepost=1451157185,1451157082][/doublepost]Also I'm in the works of a game, but I'm transferring it to MV... So it may be awhile before an updated demo comes out


@BlacksmithMV while I'm still a newbie here, I love parallax mapping! If you have any questions I'll try to answer it, although the staff here is very friendly and may answer before me.
Parallax mapping you say? Wonderful; I never did take the time to understand that. I'd be happy to learn more, in that case, although I have no questions because I know very little about it.


In my opinion, parallaxing is more so time consuming, but it can get complicated if you want to get real detailed with sunlights and stuff. If you take the time, you get some really nice maps made though! For me, setting up the grid and passabilities (what your character can and can't walk over) was always the biggest pain.

Oh, and welcome to RMMV! ^_^;


Studious Dark Lord
In my opinion, parallaxing is more so time consuming, but it can get complicated if you want to get real detailed with sunlights and stuff. If you take the time, you get some really nice maps made though! For me, setting up the grid and passabilities (what your character can and can't walk over) was always the biggest pain.

Oh, and welcome to RMMV! ^_^;
I agree with @Macro here! I don't see myself as anything special for doing parallax maps, I just like doing it! Also having the grid for passabilities has saved me many times; you don't want an object that usually sits on one grid square to sit on four because you're not paying attention!

Bizarre Monkey

Parallax mapping is closer to what it sounds than what you may think.

Rather than using tilesets, you simple have a transparent tile, then a parallax underneath. That's where the term parallax map comes from.

You're walking on one large image rather than a mashup of smaller images.

For depth and other effects, picture are commonly overlayed and 'locked' via a plugin or script so that the character sprites can also be behind objects. or at least, that's the appearance that is given.

This is using tiles.
This is using parallax maps.

My examples aren't exactly typical, when people think
'parallax' map, they tend to think 'tile arranged free of grid'.

I just drop the tiles all together and just draw everything, as you can see this can look quite amazing.


Dragon Goddess
I like making simulation-based games where choices are involved which increases the flexibility of the character and makes them an avatar.
welcome to the forum Blacksmith! and this is really awesome, I love this in games. it was something i really enjoyed about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

nice to see another writer around here =) hope to see ya around sometimes! also, if you ever get a demo out, let me know! I'd love to see what sort of avatar i'd get in your game :D


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the forums :) Glad to have you here, and I hope to see you around the forums!

David FoxFire

There were lotsa hellos out there, so I wanted to make my own entry a bit more original. So, here's my greetings to all of my fellow game designers who spend their time working to make the perfect game. My hat is off to you!

I am among you, although I am no-one special. I merely consider myself a collector of knowledge and a seeker of perfection, affine to the way of writing as well as some skill in design, coupled with a meagre knowledge of tinkering with scripts. I like making simulation-based games where choices are involved which increases the flexibility of the character and makes them an avatar.

My activity, however, is very, very low. I am only online once or twice a week for a few hours, and that's it. However, supposing that I get the resources I need, I'm quite the diligent and crafty worker.

Drop me a line! I'd be interesting in meeting some folks.
You're not the only one who gets that greeting. Welcome aboard.


Oh, hey! Thanks to all of you for your comments and well wishes, although I wasn't able to reply right away due to said internet activity issues. Of course I'll do what I can on here, but until I get a functional MV Demo up, (which I will certainly show those of you who are interested,) I may not have much to do. Although, I could certainly request resources here and there. ^.^ Thanks again for your greetings, and the feeling is mutual; hopefully we'll meet somewhere along the forums!