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Ello, ello, ello! Just doing the general introduction bit here. Hi, I'm LIHummingbird (The LI stands for Lithium in case you were wondering). I'm here because I've recently acquired my first computer and RPGMaker MV. I'm really excited to be working on my first game at the moment, it's an idea I've had in my noggin for awhile. I just had no way getting it out until now. But I totally plan on making my idea a reality now! It's kinda funny though, I'm making a horror game when normally I can't stand horror games. I think it partially being a comedy kinda helps with the fact for me. But that's enough about me. I look forward to interacting with the community as I learn the ropes of the system and get advice as needed. Hopefully someday I'll even get well versed enough I can give good advice to others as needed too. See you all on the interwebs here! :)