Indie Dev

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Greetings from Subworld


I would like to say hello to all RPGMaker users here and introduce myself. I am the game developer for Subworld, an RPG game set in a fictional world. Well of course it;s fictional, aren't they all? But that doesn't mean Subworld is not real.

Anyway I am talkign to much on the game. I am of intermediate level, with no JS skills but always lookign for new ways to approach the tools I am using. I hope to make new friends here, learn new things and play more games. I hope you are all well.



Resident Dragon
Welcome to our glorious hovel! :D This is an awesome community so feel free to wander around, and don't be afraid to ask questions. :)

Subworld looks like an intriguing game. :)


Welcome to our glorious hovel! :D This is an awesome community so feel free to wander around, and don't be afraid to ask questions. :)

Subworld looks like an intriguing game. :)
Thank you. It is an exciting project. I am trying to create a new approach to the genre and encourage creativity, imagination and well... readong too with the game.


Towns Guard
Hello and Welcome, we are always happy about new members . I am sure that we can learn something from you as well. Because everyone has their own personal talents.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Cooool~ Hi and welcome to the forums ^^ Feel free to ask if you need any help or advice and have a lot of fun. See you around~


Hi Josh, and welcome to the community. How did you come up with the idea for Subworld?
I was inspired really. I had so many characters I made over the decades that never saw the light of day and I wondered what kind of world they would live in if their word was in a state of limbo. What if they had such an impact on the creators life that they became aware and how would they cope with their roles? Would they try to escape their pre-written destiny? Embrace their role as part of a larger plan or resign themselves to the limbo state they are in now that the creator gave up on them. Would they fight to save their world, bereft of creation? And what role would the player have in it?

It's a game that I want to use to inspire creativity, to let worlds flourish and inspire others.