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Graphics Tablets


Hey guys! I am thinking about getting a graphics tablet to make things simpler for me. Right now I am looking at a Huion H610 Pro, b/c it has the real estate I am looking for at the price I need it to be. If I get it I'll let you know what I think about it, but right now I'm wondering what others use if you have one and what you think of it.

Anyways, fire away! :-D


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Lol I don't know anything about graphic tablets. Sorry, i have a wacom bamboo cth-300/u but i used to have many problems with it. I have to delete settings to make it work again and i have to make this like everytime i start it bc it doesn't work right tho. Glad to see you're getting one, hope you won't have problems like me ewe The tablet lets one draw so much quicker and you have clearer lines.


Towns Guard
Ooohh!~ That looks like a good tablet to me! I just bought my first tablet, a Intuos Draw Wacom ($69.99 without tax). It is 8 by 6 inches, very tiny but I still use it for canvas sizes 1600x1200 and up; trust me you wont notice the size after a while! It comes with 4 customizable buttons and 2 more on the pen itself. Had it for about 2 days now and no issues so far. Your Huion looks like a good find, let me know how it turns out if you end up buying it.


Towns Guard
I have a Wacom Intuos CTL480 (small) and I seriously love it to bits.
It's pretty tiny and probably on the pricer end, but it really does the job and I've had no complaints.

I forgot to add, I actually did purchase a Huion (580) tablet before and hated it. There were so many issues I had so I finally said fuck it, returned it and spent the extra money and got a Wacom instead.

Whatever you choose to buy do a lot of research on it!
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Yeah, the small size is what concerned me. Is it really a non-issue, or just something you get used to? I can see where it would be a bonus (e.g. small spaces like working on the couch. Just wasn't sure how that would really play out. Thanks for the talk on it so far! :-)


I have the Wacom Bamboo Fun. It's kind of small but very affordable compared to the big ones. If you have small hands it would probably be good. Going with Wacom always seems to be the best bet though.


Well, after many reviews and going back and forth, I've pulled the trigger on a Huion H610PRO. Frenden's review finally sold me on it. Looks like it might be a little bit of a thing to get set up, but once it's running it looks like it will be well worth it. I'll let you know how it turns out! Thanks for all the help and thoughts! (jolly)

It came it came! I'll let you know what I think of it when I get some time on it!

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
I just use a lousy old Wacom Bamboo Pen. It was cheap but it was also my very first tablet and I've had it for about 6 years now and it still works great for me. It is about time I go for an upgrade, but now since I have to adult and pay for the rent and food, that makes it more difficult to save up for a new one. lol

Well, after many reviews and going back and forth, I've pulled the trigger on a Huion H610PRO. Frenden's review finally sold me on it. Looks like it might be a little bit of a thing to get set up, but once it's running it looks like it will be well worth it. I'll let you know how it turns out! Thanks for all the help and thoughts! (jolly)
[doublepost=1451758730,1451510584][/doublepost]View attachment 1378

It came it came! I'll let you know what I think of it when I get some time on it!
Look at that sexy piece of equipment. Hot diggity. How much was it?


0.00 was a no-go. Now I am not a computer illiterate person. I have built them, changed deep-seated settings, etc. But the drivers for the Huion...the drivers...infuriated me to no end. They were constantly overwritten by the Windows ones and I couldn't even open the tablet driver program at all. So yeah, it got sent back.

In better news, I found a Wacom Pen & Touch Medium for $120 (normal price $200), and ordered it right up, so I'll put that up when it comes in. Wish me luck!

...when it gets here between the 8th and the 28th...heh... :)


Staff member
I have a roughly 8x12 inch Bamboo Create and I've had a same size Pen and Touch. I've also had a 4x6 inch Bamboo Fun in the past. All three were made by Wacom.
I'm a little too late for the discussion, but the small size really isn't a problem. Most of the time, you zoom in really close and it's really easy to get used to, so it doesn't make much of a difference.

I've read a lot of reviews about the Huion driver problems, so I could have warned you about that if I got here sooner. But oh well.
You should be perfectly fine with your Wacom tablet. The drivers are very easy to work with.


Well, I got to draw a picture with the tablet, and it is GREAT!! Went ahead and sold some old DS games and picked up MangaStudio 5 too, since everything I've read has said its drawing and inking are way better than PS. Gotta say, I agree. So yeah, If you want a nice tablet that doesn't cost too much, get the old Pen and Touch off Amazon. Highly recommended! (from my completely newbie point of view). :-)
