Indie Dev

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Game in development, ideas, story, and more.

I have been working on a game for some time now, it is coming along, but as of yet I haven't made any real progress.

Story, An angel falls from grace for "Throwing a massive party in the Arch-angels living quarters", he must do good deeds in equivalence to his sins on earth to regain the right to re-enter heaven. Meanwhile an apprentice mage seeks fame and fortune, by becoming a royal magician. In order to accomplish this monumental task, she builds a portal to heaven, little did she know that she was about to get more then she bargained for when she accidentally hijacks the fallen angels decent to earth, where he decides that helping her become a royal mage is his ticket back into heaven whether she wants his help, or not.

Features, Rows, Sub-classes, materia style system, 16 playable classes, more yet too come.
Freelancer (No skills of its own, uses a random base attack from any class),
Warrior (has a decent attack with no special options, skills contain power debufs, multi single target attacks, row shifting (of enemies))
Defender (does a weak base attack, small chance of stun, taunts, defense based attacks)
Mage (uses an unresistable magic based base attack, Elemental multi-target attacks, debufs, and element enchantment.)
Priest (light free heal as its base attack, heals, buffs, and light element attacks)
Rouge (multi-hit base attack, armor penetration, and status effects)
Hunter (AOE base attack, multi-target attack skills, debufs)
Spellsword (Random element base attack, attack based element skills)
Gunner (weak base attack that always does the same damage, highly accurate debuf attacks)
Chemist (Non-damaging base attack, has a chance of doing a random status effect to any/all enemies, skills do many debufs, no damaging skills)
Palidin (Very weak base attack that hits 4x, does light damage, self buffs, self heals)
Tactician (AOE buff for one turn on base attack, many aoe buffs, no damaging skills)
Special classes
Hero (Advance class, requires lvl 20 in warrior, defender, priest, mage and Palidin. Strong 1 hit base attack, Has skills that self buff, self-heal, change element types, and a special called "Leave it to me!" that paralyses all other allies, in exchange receives massive stat buffs. )
Mercenary (Advance class, requires lvl 40 in freelancer. Uses improved versions of every base class's base attack)
Arch-demon (Story class, strong attack at cost of own hp, all skills heavy multi-hit targets that cost hp to use, strong regeneration at cost of 50% of hp)
Risen (Story class, No skills, uses an amazing base attack that does good damage and regenerates hp)
Knight Templar (Story class, taunts all targets as his base attack, counter attacks)
Royal Magician (Story class, Base attack regenerates MP, AOE non-elemental magic)

Please let me know what you think.
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Yes, you chose your class, and subclass. Each class has one or more special skills that replace the basic attack command (Thanks to yanfly.)
The classes are,
Freelancer (No skills of its own, uses a random base attack from any class),
Warrior (has a decent attack with no special options, skills contain power debufs, multi single target attacks, row shifting (of enemies))
Defender (does a weak base attack, small chance of stun, taunts, defense based attacks)
Mage (uses an unresistable magic based base attack, Elemental multi-target attacks, debufs, and element enchantment.)
Priest (light free heal as its base attack, heals, buffs, and light element attacks)
Rouge (multi-hit base attack, armor penetration, and status effects)
Hunter (AOE base attack, multi-target attack skills, debufs)
Spellsword (Random element base attack, attack based element skills)
Gunner (weak base attack that always does the same damage, highly accurate debuf attacks)
Chemist (Non-damaging base attack, has a chance of doing a random status effect to any/all enemies, skills do many debufs, no damaging skills)
Palidin (Very weak base attack that hits 4x, does light damage, self buffs, self heals)
Tactician (AOE buff for one turn on base attack, many aoe buffs, no damaging skills)


Dragon Goddess
This sounds really awesome, I love the story idea for your game. Got any character bios done yet? I really would like to read about these characters. =)

Great start! Let me know if there's anything I can do to assist!

(p.s. angels are awesome! I also love all the different classes. variety is gud!)
Name: Zahl,
Race: Angel (Fallen)
Age: Roughly 2000
Personality: Layed back, Impulsive, hot blooded, and well meaning, has issues with authority.
Backround: Ever since he was created, he has always been brash, and often times a hand full. He would get into fights, and rushed headlong into whatever he thought was right at the time, unfortunately this often landed him into hot waters. When the angels rebelled in the holy wars (an event in which the angels were divided on how to interact with the lower realm (Earth), one side wished to have a more active role in deciding there fate, and the other wished too have a more pacifistic approach. The pacifists won, while the others became the first demons) he was an avid defender of the pacifists (on a whim) and was revered for awhile, He took his new found status to far however, and started living more freely then what was acceptable. When he finally threw his last party in the arch-angels living quarters, this was the last straw.

Name: Lena
Race: Angel
Age: Roughly 2000
Personality: Strict, Uptight, Caring
Backround: Made at the same time as Zahl, she could be considered his childhood friend. Ever since they were little, Lena loved to read, and was a quiet child. Zahl, disliking her personality decided it was his mission to help her loosen up, ending up dragging her off in whatever crazy idea that popped into his head at the time. She tried to stay away from him, but always ended up worried about what kind of trouble he would end up in if she were not there. Despite Zahl's constant antics, she arose quite quickly in the ranks, even so far as to be a potential for next arch-angel. When Zahl was exiled, she was tasked with watching him and making sure he did not stray from his goal much to her dismay. They were separated when Zahl was hijacked from the portal.

Race: Human
Age: 20
Personality: Studious, ambitious, strait laced
Background: Was born an orphan, at an early age she was forced to go out on the streets and steal for food. One day she stole food from a wizard, this wizard caught her, and instead of turning her in, took her under his wing. She was soon adopted. She found studying fun, and without the wizards knowledge, was reading every book in the house, She soon found that she had a knack for the magic listed in the tomes. She was soon secretly practicing magic, eager to show her step father how well she was doing, but soon had an accident, she set the house on fire. Her step father ran in to save her, but before he could cast a spell, he was trapped in rubble that was falling from the house. With his last breath, he spoke a teleportation spell that would save young lena. Lena, not knowing how to cope with her grief turned to his diary that remained relatively intact, in it he mentioned his dream of becoming a royal court magician, and decided to achieve his dream as a way of honoring his death.

Name: Nathanial
Race: Human?
Age: 21
Personality: Humorless, fussy, doting, honor bound
Background: Nathanial is a high noble, as a child he was aloud little contact with others, and was soon after reaching maturity shipped off to become a knight. After his graduation at 14, he was stationed at the college of wizardry. As each knight was forced too garrison a station for several years before being resolved of duty, he had to be stationed as well, but due to his high birth, he was stationed at the place least likely to see any action. Soon after he was stationed there, he was assigned to watch over Lena, Lena being an orphan of a widely renowned wizard was forced to have Nathanial as an escort due to the nature of the wizards death. At first Nathanial disliked the job, as it was belittling of his station, but after several chats, he was impressed with her determination, and soon doted on her like an over protective brother, Fussing on whether the room she was in was too dark, or if she was eating enough, or chasing off any men (and sometime women) who would approach her.
[doublepost=1452331336,1452253145][/doublepost]Updated class roster.