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Game doesnt end when you lose battle?


How do you make it so that when the player loses the battle, the game doesn't just end? I want to make it so that the game just continues on as if the battle had never happened. Plz help/

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Can you be bit more specific please. When does this occur, how are you playing the game when this issue happens?. Are you play testing or battle testing?

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Are you using events to trigger battles or random encounter?
With events you can just check the "can lose" box and it'll let you carry on.
But for random encounter, I'm afraid you'll require a plugin for that ^^"
Pretty much what these 2 have said. There is a check box at your battle processing command that reads either Can Lose or Can Escape, unless of course you are referring to the random encounters on the map then you will most likely need a plugin for that.


Yeah, I've been trying to work around with events or Common Events or such to override the "random battle" death processing, no no avail, myself. So... am sticking with a visible-enemy encounter technique for the reasons above. With those, it's easy to "Can Lose" process things to avoid GAME OVER on death that way.
Good luck!


This appears to work. :)

I can see the need for it, where instead of "game over" you feint and wake up in the last Inn with half gold, or similar handling that some games use. (rather than re-load last saved). All sorts of possibilities open up, for creativity. :) Enemy steals your gold, you lose a level, whatever your imagination can think of! :)
Much like in Pokemon, enemies are random in the grass (tbh this can be evented with transparent enemies and region preventers) but you can never game over.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
It's a really simple script actually, I made one in Ace, it just activated a switch instead of calling gameover scene. Too bad I can't write shit for MV otherwise this would have been out a while ago.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I know the basics, enough to be able to read most of what I'm seeing as well as writing basic stuff, snippets and random things lol. I would love to write this gameover switch script for MV but currently unable to. Though I am learning how to use Javascript so should not be much longer before you see some small plugins by me. If no one releases a common event gameover switch then that will be my first plugin.