Alright so here we go, both games were great in their own way, considering they were both different styles of games it's hard to compare them but this is what I have to say about them.
@Troctzul The game was surprisingly simple and not simple in a bad way it was just easy going and not a daunting process. The mapping was fun I really like the looping effect you had if you keep going to the right or down etc you just end up back in the same spot, very cool it added that dreamworld/nightmare effect to everything I definitely felt like I was in a place of the recently deceased. As for the story, it was simple yet again, not too much and not too little, it was a basic quest and I knew what I had to do, so you kept me entertained throughout. The hardest part was the last couple questions, ie: how many windows, how many blue torches etc, I was like" he's really going to make me go back, son of a bi***" lol but it was all good I completed it and I had fun. I still feel like I was missing something, or there could have been a bit more detail but I can't complain considering a game in a week is not a game with a lot of substance, you had more gameplay time than my game.
@AngelAldredge The beginning is interesting, it started off very simple, here's a quest that no one else could accomplish and I believe you can do it because you're a hero. Then after speaking to the peeps in the first town I had a clear idea of what was supposed to be accomplished but unfortunately I could not do it lol. So a few things I had troubles with was the battles, the main world battles were fairly simple but as soon as I got into the forest I died every time, those damn hornets are just too strong for me. Then I figured well eh, a bit of grinding won't hurt anyone but I was wrong lol. Anyway I really don't need to go into much detail considering it's a game in a week and you got a lot accomplished I was really impressed to see every house with their doors unlocked, and every town was visitable, so you had lots to do but unfortunately nothing to motivate me to explore it all, although I'm pretty sure I found every treasure chest in the game.
So in the end I voted for
@Troctzul game because it was simple enough to accomplish, it had a quick story, some decent maps and I finished it.
Overall you both did a great job making a game in a week and both of you had much more dialogue & substance than I had in my game, so good job guys & girls and I hope you will take part in the next contest so I can play more of your creations.