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Game Dev Battle Contest

Should we stick to the original one game, or do one game every round

  • Only one game

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • One game every round

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
RMMV.CO Presents
Game Dev Battle Contest
We are proud to announce another contest, this contest is sort of like a test run for more future events, we hope to have at least 6 contestants for this contest but are welcome to more.

Starting Date:
Tuesday, April 12th

Develop a game in 1 week. You will have to plan your game, write the dialogue and develop the entire game within a 1 week time period. Once this has been finished the contest staff will gather all games and then assign each of them to a dual against each other in our new Game Battles forum.

In the game battles forum both games selected to dual, will be voted upon for 7 days, the winner will be recorded in the hall of fame and move up the ranks in the Game Dev Battle Contest. Each game that wins their duals will be entered in a final poll, at which point the top 3 (or more) winners will be rewarded their prizes and will be allowed to select a game title out of a list of steam keys available. The 1st place winner will be able to choose from the game list before 2nd place winner and so on.

Theme: The Undead

  • 1st = $10 + A game(Steam Key)
  • 2nd = $10 + A game(Steam Key)
  • 3rd = A Badge + A game(Steam Key)
  • You cannot start your game until the exact starting time and date, a count-down clock will be available so time-zones will not be an issue.
  • You must submit your entry before the week is over, if you don’t make the deadline then you will forfeit from the contest.
  • Teams are allowed.
  • Any RPG Maker engine is allowed, but it must be rpg maker.
  • Games must be playable on Windows
  • You must have the right to use all the assets you use in for your game.
  • No 18+ content: games with pornographic/extreme violence will be disqualified. These games should be playable by teenagers. If you are unsure if your content qualifies as adult-only, it’s best to leave it out or ask our contest staff.
  • Everyone involved in a project should be credited unless they consent otherwise. This includes the creators of resources (graphics, music, scripts, etc.)!
Additional Information:
All games entered will be checked for their timestamp information.

Don't worry if you don't finish the game in time, enter it in anyways because you probably won't be the only one who won't finish ;)

Does not need to be an RPG game, it must be in the RPG Maker engine but you can be creative as you want.

If you enter this contest as a team, it is up to the team to decide how to split the prize pool.

Steam Keys:
The first place winner gets to choose from a list of steam keys available, provided by, and this list is pretty big (wink)

Second place winner will get to choose from a list of games much smaller, this list is from my own collection of steam keys I saved specifically for events here. I will gather the information soon and update this post with them.

More prizes are welcome, if you have an extra stream key and would like to help out the contest, then this will allow more than 2nd place prizes.
If more steam keys become available then the same rules will apply after 2nd place chooses from the smaller game list, then 3rd place, 4th and so on.

Current Game Pool For 2nd & 3rd Place :
1st place winner gets to select from a much larger game pool including these games.

Dear Esther
Hotline Miami
Little Inferno
Thomas Was Alone
----More Keys To Choose! ---
GameGuru + DLC (Fantasy, Buildings, Death Valley, Mega Pack 2, Mega Pack 3)
Time Fantasy DLC,
Arabian Nights DLC
Galaxy on Fire 2 Full HD
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space
Disciples III - Renaissance Steam Special Edition
Sid Meier's Covert Action (Classic)
Silent Service
Sword of the Samurai
The UnderGarden
Tycoon City: New York
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender
Glorkian Warrior: The Trials Of Glork
Coin Crypt
Super Splatters
Age of Fear 2: The Chaos Lord

Remember to have FUN

Contest Staff:

LTN Games



1) Troctzul
2) LTN Games
3) Xyphien
4) CT_Bolt
5) samorious - disqualified
6) AngelAldredge
7) Minty
8) Tsukihime - disqualified
Last edited:


Staff member
Resource Team
If you will allow admins into this, I'd like to join. Just to try it out :) It wouldn't hurt right? :D


Staff member
It might be a good idea to hide the theme until the actual start date.

I like the idea of this. I'd totally enter if I was still familiar with RM.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
If you will allow admins into this, I'd like to join. Just to try it out :) It wouldn't hurt right? :D
Of course, admins can sign up, this should be really fun I love seeing what people make.

It might be a good idea to hide the theme until the actual start date.
You're right, I'll think of a new theme and then reveal it on the start date lol


Global Moderator
Staff member
Resource Team
FUN FUN FUN! (cheeky)
Excellent contest idea! (cute) Count me in! (glad)(icecream)
Can't wait to find out the theme. (cute)
LTN Games might not be picking the theme? Since entering the contest. (silent)(slanty)(smile)
Wish I could take a week off from work for this. Too bad that week's work schedule is already made.
uhg I hate retail. (please someone help me get out of retail (dead))

(cool) *CT_Bolt has entered the arena* (cool)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
WoooHooo so glad your singing up. I also work the whole week so I have a feeling my entry is going to be either really small or unfinished. I'll get MinisterJay to think of a theme if he decides not to enter the contest and if he does decide to I'll make a poll with a few themes and the community can vote for a theme. I'm so excited now :)


Troctzul: Father, RPG Maker, Conqueror of Worlds
Well I'm glad I at least have a decent 9-5, but I was assuming mini-games are what is implied with a 1-week challenge. I would not have much time either, but would gladly put main development aside (jolly)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
@Troctzul that is why I'm participating, 1 week off from the main development can be very refreshing and may be a really good thing in the end. I would be amazed if someone could come up with something other than a mini-game in a week.

@samorious adding you in now, so glad to see you sign up for this epic contest, let's have fun shall we (cheeky)

Oh and my steam key collection just got a little bigger(wink) So prize pool just got a bit better.


Staff member
Resource Team
@Troctzul that is why I'm participating, 1 week off from the main development can be very refreshing and may be a really good thing in the end. I would be amazed if someone could come up with something other than a mini-game in a week.
Challenge Accepted! XD Good luck to everyone, and glad to see all of you entering into the contest :D

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Challenge Accepted! XD Good luck to everyone, and glad to see all of you entering into the contest :D
Awesome! This should be a really fun contest, I'm so eager to see what everyone will develop. We still need one more member to sign up to make it an even battle so anyone interested please do join us, we only want to have fun, the prizes are just a bonus (jolly) Also just so everyone knows 6 contestants is not the max amount, It's kind of like the minimum requirements to have fun, the more the merrier if you ask me.
[doublepost=1460048594,1459965166][/doublepost]I updated the OP with a list of games available for 1st 2nd and 3rd place winners. 1st place winner still gets to select from a larger game pool than what is seen above.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I updated the OP with a countdown timer, as soon as it hits ZERO, I will receive a theme and I will update the OP again, then we can start developing. I will then create a new countdown clock for the whole week just so everyone knows when to hand in those games.
I'm so excited I can't stop thinking of ideas because I want to do something unique, and something that requires minimal dialogue, the less I type the better lol, should be fun!


I updated the OP with a countdown timer, as soon as it hits ZERO, I will receive a theme and I will update the OP again, then we can start developing. I will then create a new countdown clock for the whole week just so everyone knows when to hand in those games.
I'm so excited I can't stop thinking of ideas because I want to do something unique, and something that requires minimal dialogue, the less I type the better lol, should be fun!
Yay! I'm really excited about this. This is the first time I'm attempting something like this. Lots of ideas floating inside my head.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Yay! I'm really excited about this. This is the first time I'm attempting something like this. Lots of ideas floating inside my head.
are you fairly new to the rpg maker scene? Or are you just diving into contest territory for the first time? Either way, I'm happy you signed up! it's a great way to get involved into the community and also a really fun way to develop a game.


Both. I've only been playing around with rpg maker for a few months. I've made a game in Ace, but it still needs alot of work. I've kind of put aside for now. Started a game in MV, but it's going slow.