Good luck to everyone!
... None of the games ever downloaded for me originally except for CT_Bolt's, but that may have been the cruddy internet at the vacation place I was at. I'll try again, though, and vote when I've played all of them. =v=
[doublepost=1462179921,1462172028][/doublepost]So I've gotten all but Bloodlust to properly download, thought I'd give some feedback.
Saving In-between - I liked it, and the concept of Inbetween. But I couldn't go far in the game. Somehow I couldn't get past the northern mountain? There was no path or any clear way to get anywhere.
But I liked it, and loved that you included a lot on your map. I love exploring in games so I was warring with myself whether to explore or follow the directions.
I would suggest, however, that you reduce poison damage a bit. Saps health right out of you faster than actual enemy attacks,, and I wasted most of my potions on healing poison damage. x3
I really liked the concept though, and should you continue this, I'd love to see where it goes.
Recently Deceased - Oh, that was fun! But that may partially be the puzzle nerd in me. It got some genuine laughs out of me, and it a really enjoyable experience. I really liked the use of repeating, and how to get to a certain room you had to make use of that feature. I really liked some of the puzzles.
Overall an awesome game, my favourite so far out of the four I've played so far.
Also I found that really adorable when I did the silly dance and the skeleton was clapping for me. Heh.
Now to play X-13 Quantum. x3