I have no intentions of releasing this as a paid product at all nor is near a finished state. This has been a passion project of mine for the last two years and, after getting some courage to get my idea out to the public, have decided to announce it on the forums. This project also serves as at test to see if I can create an enjoyable game with a coherent story, engaging battles, interesting move pool for both player characters and party members alike, as well as interesting enemies and a constant feeling of fear and empowerment when defeating enemies (can't forget a proper difficulty curve either.)
Features (so far):
Enemies scale with the most powerful member of your party. If you think you can just grind Cloud to level 100 and leave Toby (not real characters in the game) stuck at level 1, then have Toby try to grind off some early game enemies, he will be destroyed without aid. While enemies have a maximum level cap, they will scale with the strongest member in your party until they reach that level cap. Bosses are the same, they will scale with the player as well, in the event someone tries to grind weaker enemies in order to steamroll a boss in a particular part of the story. The only reward for defeating scaled enemies is that they give more Gold and Experience if they are a higher level.
The main character of the story (you) can be chosen at the start of the game. There are eight different characters to choose from, each having different stats, move pool, and weapon/magic usage. The game is even smart enough to tell if the character is a female or a male. (Credit goes to Yanfly at yanfly.moe for the plugins and tips on making certain moves in the game function as they should and player quality of life features.)
There is a row system consisting of a front and a back. Back row entities need to use magic, items, or bows to attack anything, but they receive increased physical defense while in the back.
The story is currently being rewritten from scratch.
Features (so far):
Enemies scale with the most powerful member of your party. If you think you can just grind Cloud to level 100 and leave Toby (not real characters in the game) stuck at level 1, then have Toby try to grind off some early game enemies, he will be destroyed without aid. While enemies have a maximum level cap, they will scale with the strongest member in your party until they reach that level cap. Bosses are the same, they will scale with the player as well, in the event someone tries to grind weaker enemies in order to steamroll a boss in a particular part of the story. The only reward for defeating scaled enemies is that they give more Gold and Experience if they are a higher level.
The main character of the story (you) can be chosen at the start of the game. There are eight different characters to choose from, each having different stats, move pool, and weapon/magic usage. The game is even smart enough to tell if the character is a female or a male. (Credit goes to Yanfly at yanfly.moe for the plugins and tips on making certain moves in the game function as they should and player quality of life features.)
There is a row system consisting of a front and a back. Back row entities need to use magic, items, or bows to attack anything, but they receive increased physical defense while in the back.
The story is currently being rewritten from scratch.
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