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Free vs Paid Software

Well, shockingly, paid isn't always what it's made out to be! I mean, take forum software, for instance. If someone is good at customization - then why should he/she pay a huge amount for XenForo, IPB etc.. and also the updates? Anyway, myself, I'm not good at forum customization - so I prefer paid solutions. However, though, when it comes to music notation software - I found that MuseScore was good enough for my needs and, in fact, the paid solution I was using was worse! (furious)

O.K., what is your story? Do you like free better than paid, sometimes, always, never? I would say "sometimes" - because it depends on what we're talking about - and also what my exact needs are. For instance, I am using phpBB, a free software, to create some directories - and it's good enough, and free!


Staff member
Resource Team
I'd personally never use anything other than Xenforo when it comes to forum software. It's secure, and when it comes to all of the plugins, addons, and Xenforo Built in content it's worth every penny. I use to use MyBB, however after trying out xenforo I've never touched MyBB for my own personal content. Originally I would use MyBB if I had a WordPress website as their bridge was good. Now, there's an amazing bridge for MyBB and Xenforo.

If you're good at customization of course you can turn a free MyBB forum into something like Xenforo, but for the same amount of time and a little extra money you could turn Xenforo into one of the best looking forums on the net.
I personally use MYBB and Phpbb3 as its a Free Host but I do like 2 Paid Forum Software Xenforo and IPB as VBulletin is getting outdated and less users use it these days.
I'd personally never use anything other than Xenforo when it comes to forum software. It's secure, and when it comes to all of the plugins, addons, and Xenforo Built in content it's worth every penny. I use to use MyBB, however after trying out xenforo I've never touched MyBB for my own personal content. Originally I would use MyBB if I had a WordPress website as their bridge was good. Now, there's an amazing bridge for MyBB and Xenforo.

If you're good at customization of course you can turn a free MyBB forum into something like Xenforo, but for the same amount of time and a little extra money you could turn Xenforo into one of the best looking forums on the net.
The downside is the huge cost of buying and upgrades. Customization for free forum software would save that money.


Staff member
Resource Team
The downside is the yearly upgrade fees. Customization for free forum software would save that money.
Very true. I honestly didn't put the yearly fees into account either. I tie it into paying with hosting, domains, etc. so I forget that it is it's own separate thing.

on a side note: 8445 the English language can be weird sometimes.
You always get what you pay for when it comes to software, much like hosting. However, there are some decent free solutions out there, just don't expect the moon while using them. If you can afford the price, I would always go paid for forum and web-based softwares.


Staff member
Resource Team
You always get what you pay for when it comes to software, much like hosting. However, there are some decent free solutions out there, just don't expect the moon while using them. If you can afford the price, I would always go paid for forum and web-based softwares.
I completely agree with that whole heartedly! When it comes to forum software I'm all for the paid services, hands down.