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"Francelette's Story" - Voice Over Recruitment

Hello everyone.

Im Francelette101 (AngelicFrancelette on YouTube and Francis in real life) and Im looking for voice actors for our game, "Francelette's Story". Here is what you need to know

The characters we need voices for in the game are:

Francis : A 17 year old boy who enjoys making friends, but had a very abusive past with his parents

Francelette: The main heroine (20 years old) who loves to make friends and would do anything to save her sister

Luna: Francelette's 13 year old sister who would do anything to save her sister

Jennifer: One of Francelette's friends at Kindness University

Extras: Shopkeeper, residents, etc


Step 1: Read my rules of voice acting on our website:

Step 2: Make sure you can email me

Step 3: Make sure you have some type of voice recording software like Audacity

HOW TO Qualify or submit your voices :

Step 1: On my new Facebook page for Voice Overs for the game, ill be doing tryouts for the voice overs. These lines are all random and are either from the game or not. None of the lines will foreshadow the game itself. You can find the page here:

Step 2: Once you are finished recording your line, send me an email with the following specifications;

Subject: Voice over for (Character Name) for "Francelette's Story"

Message: This is my voice over for (Character Name) ......

Step 3: Send me a M4A AND a OGG file of the voice (RPG Maker MV rule)


Step 1: Wait for at least 2 to 10 hours before you will be receiving a reply

Step 2: Look for the following keywords from me

ACCEPTED - You have been accepted for voice acting.

ACCEPTABLE - You have been accepted for voice acting. Just follow the tips I provide you

OKAY - You have been accepted for voice acting, just work on the tips I give you and you are on your way

NEVER GIVE UP- This means that you are NOT part of voice acting for this game , but you may be part of future projects. If voice acting is your dream, continue going for it. Never ever give up


Step 1: Wait for me to add you to the voice actor roll on the website

Step 2: Look at the website here and look for the game we are working on ("Francelette's Story")

Step 3: Download the text file for the chapter we are voicing for that development period.

Step 4: Look for your character that I have assigned you or accepted you for and do those lines.


Step 1: Do the same thing you did for the tryout lines , but this time, follow this format

Subject: Lines for (Character Name)

Message: Here are the lines for (Character Name)

Attachments: Files for the voices (M4A and OGG)

NOTES: Try to attach all of your voices at once in one go. If not possible, send me the files and lines in as many emails as you can, making sure you title the subject with an increasing number

Example: Line 1 for Francis
Example 2: Line 2 for Francis
and so on


To keep updated for more lines, please see our voice over Facebook page, or our voice acting website

Facebook Voice over page: (Please like our page)

Voice Acting page:

Thank you and hopefully ill be able to work with you soon


Dragon Goddess
this is cool, first time I've seen someone request voice actors.

anyway, I think this is a great idea, but maybe if you posted a little about the characters' personalities it might get people a little more interested in the roles you need. some people can change their voice, and if you post a little about how the character acts it might help them in the auditions and give them an idea that could help them have fun with it and really get into character.

that said, good luck!