As for the F2P and P2P (Which is what I've always used as the term since OSRS days around 2002) I may or may not add VIP+ only clothing, and such. But it wouldn't be too much. It'd be the few ones that look phenomenal and such. Or have paid ones for like $1 or something small. Just to help raise money for upgrades and custom fixes, etc. Though, for starters and for the mass beginning it will all be free most likely. You will NOT have to pay ANYTHING to be able to get your pet, or to get cloths, upgrades, etc. for him/her. However, as stated, in the future some clothing and stuff like that might be a paid thing.
I cannot say it won't have Paid content, as one is never certain how things will turn out, however, in the beginning my goal is to simply have a free thing that everyone will enjoy.
As for the subcategory, I was thinking about doing this and even possibly adding stats to the pets you could upgrade or something with forum currency (Weapons, etc.) and maybe even have a pet battle section, as well as a show off section, pet discussion, background story, and hell, even a full map of where they come from, etc.
@ejronin I can see it being a little gimmicky however, it's something you don't have to participate in, and it won't deter people from helping out and answering others questions, etc. Actually, it'll help encourage it more. Posting answers, etc. in specific areas would give you more of a reward for doing so. Such as extra month for helping in the Q&A section, etc. So, those who wish to participate in it would be more obligated to participate in specific sections that we'd like to promote more, and have more active than others. Such as the Q&A section, Resource Section, etc.
Now, keep in mind everyone, all of this will be a manual process, and as you may all know manual things on the forum may take more time than others. For example, if you buy a pet, I'd have to manually go in, change your account to having that pet's egg, reduce your money manually, etc. So, if I'm away on a mission, or doing something, that whole time in between until I get back will be you waiting for whatever it is you're doing. Yesterday for example, I was not on as we had to fly out to another location, and I didn't get back until 2200. I then crashed instantly when I got back home. Stuff like this will occur occasionally, and will be something you all will have to keep in mind with this. So, if we do add badges *Which is a great idea*, it'll all be manual, and something you'd have to PM me directly about getting if I don't do it manually. With over 5k members and growing, manual content is really hard to keep track of, and to keep updating, etc. so you'd have to take initiative at somethings and PM me for.
As of now, I'm pretty set on doing this, and I'll be contacting people directly to see if they'll be willing to do all of this. From all of the posts, I'm really excited about this, and I really hope I can find and add it all for everyone.
If you all have any more questions, concerns, etc. don't hesitate to post it below.