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Feedback on Weapons Please.

Lyon Media

Me and my team are wanting to know if players prefer lots of different weapon options or little weapon options. The game we are developing right now has three damage types. Piercing, Slashing, and Blunt. Each one is best for different types of armor. So we need to have different weapon categories such as Swords, Polearms, Axes, Hammers etc. But should we make a lot of subcategories such as Katana, Short-Sword, Scimitar, Long-Sword, Rapier etc. for swords and the same for all the other categories or should we keep it narrow and only do Long Sword, Spear, Hand-Axe, BattleHammer for all categories. Thank you for your time and input. :)


Me and my team are wanting to know if players prefer lots of different weapon options or little weapon options. The game we are developing right now has three damage types. Piercing, Slashing, and Blunt. Each one is best for different types of armor. So we need to have different weapon categories such as Swords, Polearms, Axes, Hammers etc. But should we make a lot of subcategories such as Katana, Short-Sword, Scimitar, Long-Sword, Rapier etc. for swords and the same for all the other categories or should we keep it narrow and only do Long Sword, Spear, Hand-Axe, BattleHammer for all categories. Thank you for your time and input. :)
Honestly, I've always preferred variety with weapons, armors, etc.. That being said, if you're gonna go through with all the different weapons, try to make sure their stats are different enough to give the player some options (which I'm sure is your thought anyways). But, there's nothing wrong with keeping things simple. My vote is for variety. Can't wait to see the outcome!


Towns Guard
Me and my team are wanting to know if players prefer lots of different weapon options or little weapon options. The game we are developing right now has three damage types. Piercing, Slashing, and Blunt. Each one is best for different types of armor. So we need to have different weapon categories such as Swords, Polearms, Axes, Hammers etc. But should we make a lot of subcategories such as Katana, Short-Sword, Scimitar, Long-Sword, Rapier etc. for swords and the same for all the other categories or should we keep it narrow and only do Long Sword, Spear, Hand-Axe, BattleHammer for all categories. Thank you for your time and input. :)
I think the way you are doing it is very smart. It's a good idea the make the basic systems simple and easy to use and then use further sub-categories to add nuance. Players who don't really CARE about all the different sub-categories can just focus on the big three types of damage and be satisfied. Overall I think you have a good system going. You've covered both extremes without offending either type of player, I don't think. Just play test that system a little bit with friends and see how it goes. From there you can tweak it to be more attractive. I hope that helps you.


Towns Guard
I personally also always like to have variety but I think this may also depend on how weapon types and characters are handled. If every character has their own weapon type it would be really nice to have some choice between the weapons. For example, there might be sword-wielder and that's fixed, but then you can choose with what kind of sword you equip them and each type has advantages and disadvantages. If every character can use a lot or even all kind of weapons having that much types might be too much, imo.


Lord of Memes
The large amount of things could get hectic very quickly, so perhaps try something like this.

If you make different sub-weapons have different effects, it will both make those who love lots of weapons happy, and give an engaging platform for those who typically don't like lots of weapons.

Here's an example; swords.
Let's say you have Short-sword, Long-sword, Claymore, Katana, and Schmitar
Short-sword attack quicker, boosting AGI
Long sword gets good swing and range, boosting Accuracy
Claymore are big and heavy, dealing huge damage and counting as a blunt and slash BUT drops defense and agility
Katana gives a big AGI boost, and maybe mana boost, while making you weaker to Blunt or pierce
Schmitar boosts defenses, lowers attack, and works better against piercing rather than blunt

Putting in as much variety as possible is key to making that system work


Pretty Classic RPG-Esque Might be what you're going for. For me personally, the more swords and random drop, the more addictive it is, because Grind! Grind! Grind!


I can say I love all kinds of differant weapons. My game for instance is based around crafting, building, and creating, so the biggest list in the game are the crafting lists. That being said having the Rock paper scissors mentality is also in my game because it makes my huge list simpler. For example if we're up against an enemy I don't want the player panicking trying to remember what has advantage over what, if they wear armor something that pierces is best, that includes spears, harpoons, bows, rapiers, anything with a sharp point, if they don't then slashing is better, Swords, axes, claws, knives, anyting with a bladed edge, and if they don't have armor but are touch like rock monsters, brutes, or shield weilders bashing is better, Canes, Staves, Maces, Hammers, ect. That way even with a ton of differant weapons with differant stats you still have simplicity, so a just play it type will know it doesn't matter what weapon they use as long as they know the type can just hit optimize and go from there, but an immersion or customization type can decide I wanna play a battle mage. I won't use a normal sword but instead a short sword, and my berzerker can use a club because he's too uncivilized to use a forged hammer and not suffer from loss of stats or start feeling they HAVE to build their character a specified way.


If you are narrowing it to three types of damage, there wouldn't be much point in creating thousands of different weapons for the same damage types - maybe two of each damage type, making it a total of 6 weapon categories.
On the ther hand, you can make take these three damage types and sort your weapon styles according to the stat used to calculate damage: axes would benefit from strenght, katana from agility, maybe heavy weapons like mauls would be more useful in the hands of someone with a high vigor.