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Experimental: Writing Resources


Dragon Goddess
OK guys, Micro here! after receiving feedback/suggestions from a lot of you lovely people over in this thread: I tried to put together some experimental resources for you guys to use.

I pretty much just wrote down whatever came to mind while trying to keep things as general and flexible as possible, while also providing ideas for lore and stuff.

anyways, let me know if this is the kind of stuff you want to see! and, let me know what you'd like to see more of!

I saw suggestions for spells and character bio generator parts, so I will be looking into making some of that stuff as well.

apologies for the length of this thread guys. one of the "lorebooks" was especially long. it could probably be split into two but meeeh i didnt do it.

ok I'm done rambling, here you go~ Hope you like!

I t e m s

[Horn of Zondeiur] (Off-Hand)
Item Description:
One of several legendary lost artifacts of the demigod Zondeiur.
It is said that this horn draws upon the emotions of the wielder's allies to increase the power of its master.
+5 to all stats, +20 HP per available party member.

[Divine Catalog: Restored] (Main-Hand)
Item Description:
A divine artifact said to have belonged to the demigod Zondeiur.
Its pages are filled with detailed records of various monsters and warriors.
The Catalog's mystical power can manifest a shade of any creature found within it to battle in place of the wielder.

[Divine Catalog: Worn] (Key Item)
Item Description:
An old tome whose pages have been worn away by time.
It seems to possess a faint divine power. . .
Perhaps you should take it to a highly-skilled magician.

Quest Ideas
  • One of Eradan's scholars is searching for information regarding the [Divines]. If you can find proof that they actually exist, he promises a hefty reward!
    • Hint: Search ancient ruins and underground temples for clues!
  • On the outskirts of the city, you find a [Mysterious Portal]. Perhaps you can repair it with the correct knowledge and materials...
    • Hint: Requires alchemist party member & hidden boss drop. Portal leads to an underwater world full of twinkling stars made of priceless metals and gems - and terrifying creatures.

A small, unremarkable harbor town that sits just beyond the portal which leads to the Land of Light.
The people here lead simple yet comfortable lives, though they live in constant wonder of where the mysterious portal leads.
Some have tried to enter the portal, but have had mixed results--some vanish, some are incinerated, and some return with great power.
But, none have made it to the other side and returned to tell the tale.

Story Prompts
  • The main character, a greedy yet charming ranger, stumbles into a city on the brink of civil war. Unable to escape, he is forced to choose a side: will (s)he fight for endless riches, or (her)his budding romance?
  • A lone mermaid raised in a science lab for study manages to escape when a chemical is accidentally released into her aquarium. She gains interesting new powers, such as the ability to shapeshift. Will she seek revenge, or follow a vague rumor which may lead her to her lost kin?
L o r e b o o k s

Lorebook #00758 : Gods and Mortals
When mortals first stepped forth from the Core of Cosmos, the gods were fascinated by these lesser beings and created a home for them;
This home was dubbed "The Mortal Realm." The gods gave mortals the gift of magic and taught them how to make the best of their short, fleeting lives.
The gods soon realized that mortals became too reliant on the powers of the divine, and returned to the Crown of Cosmos to watch over them from above.
However, one goddess concealed herself as a mortal and stayed behind, for she wished for nothing more than to see the mortals prosper.
She bestowed upon them various Boons: Knowledge, Dreams and Creativity, yet still she found them to be lacking.
For centuries she watched over them, wondering how she could help the mortals grow into something more.
Then, at last she realized the most important thing was missing: Love.
She began teaching the mortals the importance of Love, yet most did not understand and could not receive the Boon.
The goddess, saddened by the mortals' disinterest, vanished from their sight.
There was, however, one mortal man who was mystified by this new Boon.
Thus, he went on a journey to locate the goddess and earn this blessing for all mortals.

In time, he found the goddess, but she was withered and weak.
"What's wrong?" the man asked her, and she explained that mortals had stopped praying to her.
Without prayers, she would slowly lose her powers.
"Why did you leave us, goddess?"

She explained how she had been crushed by sadness due to the coldness of mortal hearts.
The man knelt before her and offered a quiet prayer, then pleaded to learn more of the mysterious Love.
Somewhat restored, the goddess smiled quietly and asked that he open his heart.
When he did so, he was filled with a miraculous warmth.
She insist that the man return to his people and share the gift of Love with another of his kind, but he refused to leave her side.
For several years, the two of them stayed together--the goddess growing more powerful than ever.
Eventually, a new being was born from the power of their combined love.

It was a momentous occasion, for both divines and mortals believed that life could only spring from the Core of Cosmos.
With their new half-god, half-mortal son, they returned to the mortals at last to bestow upon them the Boon of Love.
With this divine gift, the mortals were able to create new life, and the Core of Cosmos became dormant.

Lorebook #00759 : Zondeiur
Zondeiur was born of the combined love of a goddess and mortal--a demigod.
The circumstances of his birth were dubbed strange and forbidden.
His mother, a goddess, was ordered to return to the Realm of Divines;
His father, as punishment for his perceived arrogance, was stripped of his magic power and exiled from the Land of Light.
Zondeiur was raised by a kind old sage, who sheltered him from the ridicule of the other mortals.
When he became older, the sage told him stories of his mother and father; this inspired Zondeiur to leave the Land of Light.
He was on no particular quest and simply wished to meet many people.

Eventually, he created the Divine Catalog in order to store extensive information on everyone he met.
He learned of their wishes, their sorrows, their pleas and their joys and added them all to the Catalog.
He wished to bring this information to the Crown of Cosmos, in hopes that the gods would return to live alongside mortals once more.
During his journey, he learned of a place that existed outside the Land of Light--a place that had never received the Boons of the gods.
Zondeiur set out to visit this exciting new place and discovered an entirely new world. . .

*Might need to be balanced. I just slapped random stats on there lol.
Also, by available party member, I mean how many people you have available to be put on your team (including your party members)--though I guess that's obvious.

Apologies for the formatting, I wrote them on a different site and it looked better. xD no time to fix them. (also laziness)

in general, is this the kind of stuff you guys want to see? what else should I make? lorebooks length good, or would you prefer them to be longer/shorter?

as always, your feedback is appreciated!
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Studious Dark Lord
Woot! I love it! Felt like I was actually reading some lore irl!
I feel like this is some really good material, and I'd like to see some more stuff like this!


Dragon Goddess
Thanks Darc, glad you like it! more specifically, if you wanted to see more of one of these things (more cities, more quest ideas etc) which one would you pick? I know you said you wanted to see comical items, and I'll get to that hopefully this week.

what type of resource would be the most helpful for you, is what i guess im trying to ask. xD


Studious Dark Lord
Thanks Darc, glad you like it! more specifically, if you wanted to see more of one of these things (more cities, more quest ideas etc) which one would you pick? I know you said you wanted to see comical items, and I'll get to that hopefully this week.

what type of resource would be the most helpful for you, is what i guess im trying to ask. xD
Well when it comes to information on legendary weapons, I can use that... but that is also limited... I think descriptions on cities would be helpful, like this city is known for being highly religious... or that city being formed because of a certain industry... because when I'm making a game I don't really take that into account... and it would be helpful when I'm designing them so I can decide a certain theme to each map.


Dragon Goddess
Alright, I'll keep that stuff in mind. I don't want to make stuff that's too general because it's not very fun to create--need to put just a bit of my own creative touch to things. You can always change things around, though! these are just to inspire you =)


Studious Dark Lord
Alright, I'll keep that stuff in mind. I don't want to make stuff that's too general because it's not very fun to create--need to put just a bit of my own creative touch to things. You can always change things around, though! these are just to inspire you =)
I agree if you do that, general stories that is, eventually I feel like it'd get boring... so please keep making these awesome stuff!
I really am excited to see what you guys can do~


Praised Adventurer
I like how you have such a descriptive set for lores lol. You're truly amazingly skilled at writing. I wish I could think of good ones like that heh, but mine always turn out generic when I try!

Isaac The Red

Towns Guard
This actually makes me want to Join the Writing Team. Though the only sample of writing I have on the internet right now is a fanfic that I am like a year+ over due in posting an update for XD


Praised Adventurer
This actually makes me want to Join the Writing Team. Though the only sample of writing I have on the internet right now is a fanfic that I am like a year+ over due in posting an update for XD
The cool thing about writing, is that each writer has their own style and so the more variations, the better variety there is available xP. I've written 7 novels in my past during my high school years lol. It was quite the collection of a lore entwined story. I couldn't make it into a game though, was just too much work >.< I did want to at one point though.


Praised Adventurer
7 Novels? o.o yowzers. And I just get handcramps trying to make it to 3k words. XD
lol yeah the hand cramping was bad xD but when I get motivated I stick with it until finished. Out of the 7, only 4 were linked as a series. It was pretty cool to have finished and a bunch of people said they enjoyed reading it. Nothing inspired me more than hearing that about something I sunk a lot of time into.

But hey, fanfics are cool too xP they can easily make some very interesting stories and background lore too. I always stuck to the "anime/manga" style of writing so the novels I wrote were literally like you were reading a long cutscene in a video game. It's not a style that's used often by many people, mostly just those writing game stories and such lol or manga itself.


Well Micro, thats an amazing collection! Kinda hard to compete with that xD though there is one little thing I need to point out. People who played Lord of the Rings: War in the North may recognize a Name in your collection, as one of the protagonists of that game, the ranger, is called (take a seat if you didn't know, it'll blow your mind) Eradan!(glee) I had a similar problem with my older (now abandoned) Project in VX where I called a City Ravengard and I got ALOT of hate from WoW Players since there is supposed to exist a town in there with the exact same name. I just wanted to let you know, hope you don't mind (amazed)


There isn't anything wrong with having a character name that coincidentally happens to match with another one. Now if someone is ripping the same exact character and claiming it as their own original character, then yea, there would be a problem.


There isn't anything wrong with having a character name that coincidentally happens to match with another one.
I know, but since I experienced a pretty big share of hate in that matter, I thought I'd point it out, so no one else has to endure that. :) I didn't mean to offend anyone, I just tried to be helpful ^^


No one's offended, just pointed out that you don't have to worry so much. I actually feel for you. Haters will hate for just about anything. I give people one chance, and if they act like spoiled children, then I simply ignore them. No point giving the people like the ones who were hating on you any of your time or thoughts.


Towns Guard
It's great work, Micro! Some fine writing right there.

Personally, I have no clue what I'd want from the writing team. I could say that I'm currently struggling with the setting, characters, story and plot (aka everything), but am mostly in need of names right now. Either way, there are a lot of phases when it comes to writing and each phase has different needs. So what I'm saying is, keep writing original and creative stuff that you enjoy! Write to give inspiration, so keep up the good work! When people need something, they should just start a discussion on the forum and allow others to give feedback to the story/plot/character/etc directly.

TL;DR Yes, this is the stuff I want to see!


Dragon Goddess
@Fynnmellex Whoa seriously? I had no idea, I just pulled a word out of my ... as they say! I'll probably keep it though. Good to know I've got similar taste in words as Tolkien (wink) Thanks for pointing it out! I've gotten some hate on my works in the past, but I doubt anyone here will give me trouble. After all, these are just experimental resources--made for all of you! You are all welcome to use anything I create here and for the RT and change whatever you wish... as long as you let me know, cuz I'd love to see what you're making.

@JibstaMan Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm gonna be putting together a sort of "story generator" (very basic) with a hero name, class, location, basic goal etc. it will be something that will be updated on a monthly basis, and I'm planning to have a lot of content in it so you guys can draw inspiration from it. The first iteration of this generator should be included in next month's RT Package (I think? Not sure how it works. Either way, you guys are gonna get it next month sometime lol)

I can always make name generators and stuff too in the future.

Thanks again everyone for your feedback, I greatly appreciate it! (heart)


Praised Adventurer
Oh, I'd love to see generators made by you in that sense. lol There's only very minimalistic ones out there and those all repeat far too much to make anything good from it. With the way you write, I bet you'd be able to pull off some interesting generator ideas for writing. I look forward to your first iteration of that xP


@Fynnmellex Whoa seriously? I had no idea, I just pulled a word out of my ... as they say! I'll probably keep it though. Good to know I've got similar taste in words as Tolkien (wink) Thanks for pointing it out! I've gotten some hate on my works in the past, but I doubt anyone here will give me trouble. After all, these are just experimental resources--made for all of you! You are all welcome to use anything I create here and for the RT and change whatever you wish... as long as you let me know, cuz I'd love to see what you're making.
Well, not Tolkien himself, sadly, as the game features original content, that happens during the events of LotR but in a different place with different characters ^^ Thanks for the offer, but I hope to do this all by myself xD How can I aspire to be a Writer if I just take stuff from someone else and shape it into the form I want to? ;) Though there is a very good saying, which states: "If you steal from one author it's called theft, but if you steal from many authors you're doing research." xD


Dragon Goddess
Thanks for the offer, but I hope to do this all by myself xD How can I aspire to be a Writer if I just take stuff from someone else and shape it into the form I want to? ;) Though there is a very good saying, which states: "If you steal from one author it's called theft, but if you steal from many authors you're doing research." xD
Then may I so humbly ask why you are in this thread? This is for feedback regarding writing resources I am creating for the community hehe. We all get inspired from many things, and that is what I hope to accomplish with the things I create for you all. Not to 'steal' but rather just to draw inspiration or ideas of your own from.

I seek to create different types of content in an attempt to find what works best for everyone here. We all need inspiration sometimes, and often, all it takes to get the ideas rolling is a little push--I strive to make a place where you guys can find that 'push'. (smile)

If you'd like to discuss this further, however, I would ask that you please send me a PM as I do not wish this thread to be cluttered with personal discussion. Thanks! (blush)

On topic: Would you guys like a name generator as well? I mean, not sure how good that would be... lol. I can throw a bunch of random stuff in there. Story generator is a definite go (this one will already have names included) but I'm just trying to get ideas for other stuff I can do.

Or maybe a character generator with name, eye color, hair color, race, etc. ?

Or a world generator? Uh, not sure how that could work... hm. I'll give this one some thought...