# Encapsulates the abstract behaviour of an agent.
class Agent
attr_accessor :index
attr_accessor :actions
attr_accessor :searchDepth
def initialize(actionList=[],index=0,searchDepth=0)
# An agent has an index. This is its ID.
self.index = index
# An agent has a list of action. This is its actuators 'A' in the P.E.A.S. model.
self.actions = actionList
# The maximum depth a search is allowed to go by the agent.
self.searchDepth = searchDepth
# Encapsulates an action.
class Action
attr_accessor :parameters
attr_accessor :evalFunction
def initialize(p={},evaluationFunction=lambda{|x,y| 0})
# An action may have various parameters such as Cooldown, Damage, and Reach
self.parameters = p
# An action will have an evaluation function. This may utilize its parameters or the game environment.
# Note that what is held is a lambda. For more diverse behavior the lambda should midirect into a function.
self.evalFunction = evaluationFunction
def evaluate(gameState)
# Note that the gameState is usable here. This is the sensors 'S' in the P.E.A.S. model.
return self.evalFunction.call(gameState,self)
# Encapsulates a representation of the game state.
class GameState
# The agents exist in a world with state. This is the Environment 'E' in the P.E.A.S. model.
attr_accessor :agents
attr_accessor :world
attr_accessor :successorFunction
def initialize(successor = nil, agents = [], world = nil, successorFunction = lambda{|x,y,z| 0})
# A game state should be capable of producing a successor state given an action.
if successor != nil
self.agents = successor.agents.clone unless successor.agents.nil?
self.world = successor.world.clone unless successor.world.nil?
self.successorFunction = successor.successorFunction.clone unless successor.successorFunction.nil?
# A game state should have agents capable of action.
self.agents = agents
# A game state should have a representation of the world.
self.world = world
# A game state should be capable of producing a successor.
self.successorFunction = successorFunction
# Returns the successor of the Game State given an agent and its action.
def getSuccessor(agent,action)
return self.successorFunction.call(self,agent,action)
# Cry, so much work on this. Pass by reference issues, pass by value issues.
# Getting Ruby to do what I want it to do.
# Applies the minimax algorithm to the agent behaviour.
def minimax(agent,gameState,depth,initialIndex)
bestScore = -1.0/0.0 # Default best(worst) result is a catastrophic failure.
bestAction = Action.new({"name"=>"doNothing"}) # Default best(worst) action is to stand still.
alpha = -1.0/0.0 # Alpha
beta = 1.0/0.0 # Beta
#For each action...
for action in gameState.agents[initialIndex].actions.reverse
# ... get the minimax value of each action..
# Uses some Evil magic to get around ruby specific copying problems.
lookAhead = eval(gameState.class.to_s+".new(gameState.getSuccessor(gameState.agents[initialIndex], action))")
minimax = minValue(lookAhead, depth, alpha, beta, (initialIndex+1)%2, action)
# Keep track of every better outcome.
if minimax > bestScore
bestScore = minimax
bestAction = action
# Ignore children when we are bigger than beta.
if bestScore > beta
# Update alpha
alpha = [alpha,bestScore].max
# Return the best action.
return bestAction
def minValue(gameState, depth, alpha, beta ,index, curraction)
#If we're as deep as can go then return our result.
if terminalTest(gameState,depth)
val = curraction.evaluate(gameState)
return val
# Our default worst result is an infinitely good success.
worstResult = 1.0/0.0
# For each action the agent can make...
for action in gameState.agents[index].actions.reverse
# Look ahead
lookAhead = eval(gameState.class.to_s+".new(gameState.getSuccessor(gameState.agents[index], action))")
worstResult = [worstResult, maxValue(lookAhead, depth-1, alpha, beta,(index+1)%2,action)].min
# Ignore children who are smaller than alpha.
if worstResult < alpha
# Update beta
beta = [beta,worstResult].min
return worstResult
def maxValue(gameState, depth, alpha, beta ,index, curraction)
#If we're as deep as can go then return our result.
if terminalTest(gameState,depth)
val = curraction.evaluate(gameState)
return val
# Our default best result is an infinity bad failure.
bestResult = -1.0/0.0
# For each action the agent can make...
for action in gameState.agents[index].actions.reverse
# Take the best result from our branches.
lookAhead = eval(gameState.class.to_s+".new(gameState.getSuccessor(gameState.agents[index], action))")
bestResult = [bestResult, minValue(lookAhead, depth, alpha, beta, (index+1) %2, action)].max
# Ignore children when we are bigger than beta.
if bestResult > beta
# Update alpha
alpha = [alpha,bestResult].max
# Return the best result.
return bestResult
# Applies the expectimax algorithm to the agent behaviour.
def expectimax(agent,gameState,depth,initialIndex)
bestScore = -1.0/0.0 # Our best action is initially nothing.
bestAction = Action.new({"name"=>"doNothing"}) # Default best(worst) action is to stand still.
for action in gameState.agents[initialIndex].actions # For Each action...
# Look ahead and grab our expectimin value from the other agent.
lookAhead = eval(gameState.class.to_s+".new(gameState.getSuccessor(gameState.agents[initialIndex], action))")
expmaxVal = expectiminValue(lookAhead,depth,(initialIndex+1)%2,action)
# If this is a new best probabilistic value then take this action instead.
if expmaxVal > bestScore
bestScore = expmaxVal
bestAction = action
# Return the best action we can.
return bestAction
def expectiminValue(gameState, depth ,index, curraction)
# Check if we're done.
if terminalTest(gameState,depth)
# If so evaluate the worth of the current action.
return curraction.evaluate(gameState)
# Initialize average value to be 0.
expVal = 0
for action in gameState.agents[index].actions # For Each action...
# Look ahead and sum up the values for the actions we can take.
lookAhead = eval(gameState.class.to_s+".new(gameState.getSuccessor(gameState.agents[index], action))")
expVal += expectimaxValue(lookAhead,depth-1,(index+1)%2,action)
# Average our resulting sum across our actions
return expVal/gameState.agents[index].actions.size.to_f
def expectimaxValue(gameState, depth ,index, curraction)
# If we're done, that's that.
if terminalTest(gameState,depth)
return curraction.evaluate(gameState)
# Initialize our best value to be negative infinity.
bestResult = -1.0/0.0
for action in gameState.agents[index].actions # For each action...
# Look ahead and take the best result out of possible actions.
lookAhead = eval(gameState.class.to_s+".new(gameState.getSuccessor(gameState.agents[index], action))")
bestResult = [bestResult,expectiminValue(lookAhead,depth-1,(index+1)%2,action)].max
# Return the best result.
return bestResult
# Misdirection into minimax
$miniwrapper = lambda{|v,x,y,z| minimax(v,x,y,z) }
# Misdirection into expectimax
$expectiwrapper = lambda{|v,x,y,z| expectimax(v,x,y,z) }
# Needs to be implemented in some way, checks if the simulation is over or max depth reached.
def terminalTest(gameState,depth)
# Check if player is dead.
pos = nil
iterator = 0
while pos == nil
pos = iterator if(gameState.world[iterator][1] == true)
if gameState.world[pos][1] && gameState.world[pos][2]
return true
# Check if player is win.
pellets = 0
gameState.world.each{|x| pellets +=1 if x[0]==true}
if pellets == 0
return true
# Check if we're too stupid to look further.
if depth <= 0
return true
return false