Indie Dev

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Enthusiast, perfectionist, scripter and unofficial writer:


Towns Guard
Hello everyone!

A few days ago, I somehow found myself looking at RPG Maker MV. I was probably looking into VX Ace and noticed a new RPG Maker was available while typing in Steam search. When I started loooking at the features, there it was: "JavaScript". Intant excitement ensued. Whenever I was thinking about making a game with Ace, Ruby was a big obstacle that I didn't look forward too. It's just, I'm currently using JavaScript everywhere. Having to learn Ruby to make plugins in VX Ace made me reluctant to start. But now there's a version with JavaScript! Problem solved.

If only things were ever so simple. Either way, I've started to gauge the community, the available plugins and the tool itself. I've got a lot of ideas right now, but I guess the best thing to do is to have a look around, get to know the community and keep my cool.

Anyhow, I've already started tinkering with plugins and browsing the existing code base. I've also started writing things down about the game I want to make and have enough ambitious ideas for a loooong list of plugins. So you'll be seeing me around!

About 7 years ago, I tried making a game with RPG Maker VX. I didn't have any knowledge about programming back then, so I had to rely on the plugin authors and their plugins. However, making everything work together was at times pretty impossible. Due to too ambitious plans and the lack of know-how to deliver, I finally abandonned the project. It seems isn't working anymore, so I can't really show the contribution I made to the community back then: a few skills for SBS. Now I'm back, with a mostly different game (somewhat) planned. Let's hope this time I get to finish at least a bit of what I've planned!



The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Ah, I love these extensive introductions. You can easily tell who's just here to lurk and grab some resources and who's gonna be more active just by looking at their introductions. (cheeky)
I think MV took a step in the right direction with JavaScript and from what I have seen already, it seems to make some really neat plugins possible. I hope you're gonna finish your game this time and I'm eager to see what you can offer us plugin-wise in the future. So welcome to the forums where there's no "envy" only "MV". Hope you're gonna have an awesome time. ^_^

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Ah, I love these extensive introductions. You can easily tell who's just here to lurk and grab some resources and who's gonna be more active just by looking at their introductions. (cheeky)
Totally agree with this lol.
Welcome aboard @JibstaMan I'm happy you signed up and also really happy you helped me with my regular expression problem, already you're a great asset to the community it's good to have so many Javascript programmers available in one location lol. Anyways I'm looking forward to seeing you around more often, and If you have any questions either about the community or MV in general feel free to make a post and ask this friendly community.


Hello and welcome to RMMV! Hope you have fun and find what you are looking for here. ^_^

Sounds really great to be able to make your own plugins. I keep wanting to learn, but never seem to have the time or patience. Kudos to you for sticking to your dream and doing so! ^^


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Welcome to the community~

I looked at your profile, but I'm not seeing a box that looks out of the ordinary - can you send a description my way (if it looks like an error or something)? : O


Towns Guard
Well, 2 out of 5 numbers are nice, I guess. If anything, I'd like to have the number 24601. *sarcastic voice* This stupid community simply doesn't grow fast enough.

Also, apparently, I'm unknowingly competent. When was I a student and what turned me into a master? But I take it as a large complement, so thanks either way :D
I am member 125! Lord of Easy Division and Master of Easy Cubes and Squares, fear my easy exponentality, as I am minister of simplicity! Oh, yeah... right, you explained you can program right, we call you guys "Masters" here.


Towns Guard
I guess what actually makes me a master - which I guess more programmers do, like myself - is: over-complicate things. It's good we have a Lord of Easy Division and Master of Easy Cubes and Squares, Minister of Simplicity for guidance (out of respect and, well, proving the point of over-complicating things, I typed it in its entirety, instead of copy-pasting it). I fear the unbound and unchecked easy exponentiality you exhibit, while meanwhile being inspired by the complexity of it all, combined with the awesome simplicity. Man, my head hurts, but that's a good thing, because I like an over-complicated challenge.


Dragon Goddess
Hey Jib! I've seen you around here, you seem like a really helpful dude! sorry I missed your intro post--allow me to extend a belated, yet warm, welcome! ^___^


Towns Guard
@Black Shadow Slow down, Nr 125! Still have to go a long way though, so I wish you the best of luck. Also, I guess that makes you part of the unofficial official RPG Maker MV .co super-friendly awesome welcoming committee?

@Micro No problem. It's quite an impossible task to keep up with all the welcoming threads. But thanks for the belated welcome! Glad I've already started to make an impression :D