Indie Dev

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'Ello all!


Mainly doing this to complete my Profile, but what the 'ell.
Working on a big project, but then again I think I've taken on a big project for every version of this program lol. Hopefully I'll finish it this time, and hopefully I'll be seeing you all on here ^.^


Staff member
Hi XXI-Divine. I used to do that a lot too, work on never finished projects from version to version. Then one day, I made a short game, and completed it. Then I made another. By having those short games, and also demos critiqued, it helped so much with endurance on longer projects. Welcome to the forums, and we glad to have you be a part.


Staff member
Oh my god.
You did it! You finally did it! You completed your profile.


And welcome.


Praised Adventurer
Welcome to the forum!

Didn't want to have to stare at that ugly account setup box, eh? It really is quite ugly, though I suppose that's the point. @Jay is right about working on smaller projects, it really does help to work your way up to a larger project. Seeing a project you completed, regardless of size, it is a great morale boost and motivator to make your dream project a reality. =)

I hope to see you around!

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow

Yes, you must slay the evil green box! :O

I have the same case of trying to work on a big project, and then once a new version of RM releases, move anyway and start another one...
That was a bit back then (because now it's worse - I'm not working on any project XD), but now I do plan to do some smaller games. @MinisterJay and @Akod have very good points, doing smaller games first help quite a lot! (although I cannot confirm that myself... ;~;) You can take a break from doing your big project by making smaller projects, and releasing them.

I look forward to seeing your project(s)!


Dragon Goddess
Hey Divine! welcome aboard. would love to hear more about your project in the future :)

im hoping to complete my first project as well! (not looking good, havent updated in a couple weeks since i havent been feeling well xD havent lost hope yet though!)


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the forums! Good luck on your big project, and I too, hope to see you around the forums as well!