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Dogestar Production


Hello folks, i nearly finished my first huge project (1 year and 7 months of developpement) and decided to join the community since my first creation is about to be released in the weeks to come.

So first of all, yes, im a baguette, it can sometimes explains the level of my english which is a little bit random.

1] Who am i ?

A Doge.

Well, ok a little bit more than just that. I am a 19 years old beginner programmer, working with both MV and VX Ace. Im pretty active on forums such as the Brave Frontier one which was an amazing experience for me until i officially left it for personnal reasons. But i still comeback sometimes to see some people who are still active on it. As i truly liked this forum, it inspired me and i created my first game (Spoon Quest) with everything that made me like this community for nearly 2 years.

Im not that much perfectionnist with the details of my games, but im really ambitious, i always makes huge games that last at least 10 hours. This is my way to show my dedication to the people i like (because my games are always dedicated to someone). I don't like to be hid in the mass, i always do my best to bring something special to the communities i join.

2] What do i like ?

As a lot of people, im very in touch with Japan and it's culture.
I studied it a lot, interesting myself to subjects that fascinate me such as Yokais and Taoïsm.
Obviously, i also read a lot of mangas, i have a preference for Seinen and Sci-Fi. But i can't bear Slices of Life and casual Shônen, this is truly not my cup of tea.

Even if i read a lot, i don't watch a lot of anime, i prefer paper by far (silent)

My 3 favorites are [JoJo Bizarre Adventure], [Gunnm : Last Order] and [Gantz].
But i also like a looot of other things (Hellsing, Berserk, Terraformars)

Currently, im reading Xiyou Ji (the Sun Wukong's story) for my next game : WuK Xiyou Ji (project name, not definitive).
It really does makes me like Chinese Folklore as well. Im now a huge fan of Chinese Mythology and continues to study it.
2000 pages can't stop the inspiration, ah ! (devilish) (Dammit, i'll never finish theses books)

3] What games do i play ?

When im not working on a project, i enjoy playing Paladins, SMITE, Minecraft, League of Legends.
And that's nearly it, i don't play a lot of games games in fact.

I also truly like [Dark Souls] and [Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance] (Don't fuck with this Senator) which are my favorites games on console.

4] What are my specifities with RPG Maker ?

For now, i only have 2 active projects which are both not finished. They're a huge amount of work and i can't keeps myself focused on it for such a impressive amount of time so i regurarly have breaks of 1-2 weeks to clear my mind, reforge my ideas and bring it back for at least a month or two of tryhard work.

I don't like casual Sci-Fi or Medieval RPG. I don't see the point of just making another classic RPG.
I rather prefer creates games which are maybe not the most perfectionned, but at least innovants in their universe and their scenario.

This is why i put a lot of efforts in the musics of the game, i don't want statics battles with a calm music, if im fan of Metal Gear Rising, this is not by random, this is because my vision of a boss fight is something that takes you to the roots and makes you move and put your last forces to the battle to defeat your ennemy. This is Undertale and MGR that made me realize that.

For example, this is the last song i added for a boss battle in Spoon Quest :

I don't know if it will makes you understand my vision of things, but i hope it can introduce you to my universe (thumbsup)

Well, i think i said everything i wanted.
If you want to know more about my work, you can find my website here, but this is still in project, it will not be active until Spoon Quest's release and will be kept in french until this date.

For my old forum, here it is (i link you directly to my Programmer's Notebook) :

Hope to see ya later (bowandarrow)


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums @Dogestar! Glad to have you in this fantastic community. We're all here to help you with your endeavours, so if you have any questions, or need any assistance at all, don't be afraid to ask! Remember, the only silly question is the one never asked. :)