@pfupftheman ...
If that's a first try at a Village, you're off to a flying start; It's very good. If you're looking for examples of how to do certain Maps, or even use as a starting point, try creating a New Map by loading one of the many Maps that are supplied, and are already available. In the Map List on the left, Right-Click and select 'Load...', and choose from any of the Maps listed. There is an Inn there, with 2 floors, which may inspire you.
As regards the Map above, a few details can make quite a difference. There are, in the 'A' Tiles, different shades of grass; a few patches scattered around could be beneficial. Similarly, there are Tiles with Pebbles which, dispersed on the pathways, can be effective. A few flowers (or weeds...), maybe..? I like the extra shadow you've cast from the buildings, but one has to be careful about being consistent, and it's difficult to give that same effect for al the elements of the decor. One last thing... As a gardener, I'd have allays in the garden so as to not trample over my plants. Just sayin'. Excellent stuff, in any case. Doing things
your way is the name of the game, and, as you're showing, one can do fine work with the standard RTP Tiles. Well done, that man..!