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Does this look alright?


This is my first try at a small Village and im totally open for suggestions and Ideas! :3
Im also looking for some advice on the insides for the Inn, not quite sure what's it suposed to look like ^^'
Im looking forward to the nice replies!
Thanks :3 and have a nice day!


I'm new to this software and of course, to mapping. But as a long time gamer, I'd say it looks great! It looks like a lively, cozy town that I'd love to live in. Or well, destroy, were I a villain.

If anything, maybe the line of trees can be slightly messier... more cluttered instead of in a straight line?


Praised Adventurer
@pfupftheman ...

If that's a first try at a Village, you're off to a flying start; It's very good. If you're looking for examples of how to do certain Maps, or even use as a starting point, try creating a New Map by loading one of the many Maps that are supplied, and are already available. In the Map List on the left, Right-Click and select 'Load...', and choose from any of the Maps listed. There is an Inn there, with 2 floors, which may inspire you.
As regards the Map above, a few details can make quite a difference. There are, in the 'A' Tiles, different shades of grass; a few patches scattered around could be beneficial. Similarly, there are Tiles with Pebbles which, dispersed on the pathways, can be effective. A few flowers (or weeds...), maybe..? I like the extra shadow you've cast from the buildings, but one has to be careful about being consistent, and it's difficult to give that same effect for al the elements of the decor. One last thing... As a gardener, I'd have allays in the garden so as to not trample over my plants. Just sayin'. Excellent stuff, in any case. Doing things your way is the name of the game, and, as you're showing, one can do fine work with the standard RTP Tiles. Well done, that man..!

Orange Jones

Towns Guard
The map looks cool, I love the pond and the farm/garden. It's details like that that really make a map fun to explore imo. @Dad3353's suggestion about adding pebbles and things is a good idea, and you can use that sort of thing to add more character to a town: it could be messy and unkempt, or very clean and tidy, or whatever you like.

You can use the same principle while you're doing the inside of the inn. It can be fun to add extra rooms with different items and NPCs in, and think about who left them there, what they're doing there, what small stories they tell. Stuff that fleshes out the world beyond the protagonist's immediate quest. And maybe a chest with a potion or GP in to reward the player for exploring. :)


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Well I rather like it but I shall give my thoughts on this.

The left top corner of trees I think should be thinned out slightly and maybe add a few logs/trunks, flowers or anything else really. I'm not a fan of that much trees in a single spot unless there's a forest there. Now for the right side of the map and the trees there. I'm not sure about it really. It feels really weird to have that much trees in a single line from the bottom of the map to the top. I think deleting some of them and adding perhaps some greener grass or just the trunk of a tree and I think you could use a couple more trees for the upper part of the map there on the right.

I find the path too linear, straight-arrow. I mean. Its fine actually but I think adding a few paths to the sides of the actual path could work and a couple behind the stalls too?

The lake or pond whatever and the bank to the path I think could be replaced a little with the water tile you used. Perhaps two or three tiles? Don't know how it would look but I think that's what I would do. I hope you understood what I meant here. Derp.