So I finally decided to pick up MV and play around with it, and just for fun I decided to work on a DBZ RPG or something. Nothing big, just something to fool around with.
Problem is, there are almost NO resources to use for MV that are Dragon Ball related. I can get by making my own sprite sheets, but tilesets are a bit of a different story.
I guess I don't know if I'm in the right place quite yet, being new here, but really, I'll take anything that at least kinda looks like it fits in a DBZ environment.
Problem is, there are almost NO resources to use for MV that are Dragon Ball related. I can get by making my own sprite sheets, but tilesets are a bit of a different story.
I guess I don't know if I'm in the right place quite yet, being new here, but really, I'll take anything that at least kinda looks like it fits in a DBZ environment.