Would it be possible for anyone to be able to create a Day and Night cycle where the time actually matters. So, you will be able to add events that only work for specific hours of the day? At 10am-12pm if you activate the event where you can make something happen, such as a video plays (Kind of like in the game Stardew Valley). As well as at a specific hour (Let's say 3am) you will fall asleep wherever you are and spawn in a specific area? As well as having a date/calendar. So every day that passes, a new day goes until a new year. The days would also have to play a role. So, at 9pm-12am on halloween you can have a halloween party become available.
If there is, I'd be willing to pay someone to develop it for me or do it for the community for free :D (However, if I pay for this to be made, I want it to be an exclusive on RMMV.co (This site). This will be for a commercial project, so it'd have to be allowed for commercial use.
@LTN Games @eivl would this be possible by any of y'all?
If there is, I'd be willing to pay someone to develop it for me or do it for the community for free :D (However, if I pay for this to be made, I want it to be an exclusive on RMMV.co (This site). This will be for a commercial project, so it'd have to be allowed for commercial use.
@LTN Games @eivl would this be possible by any of y'all?