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David Foxfire's Artistic Thread

David FoxFire

I have a DA page where I post my artwork. While I haven't been posting there for most of 2015--thank you, Troll-Induced Burn-Out--I made it my resolution to get back into drawing, which I'll have a willing venue for it here in my MV project as well as with my Tabletop Campaign Setting, Æthercoil. I'll talk about it more here if you want, but I just wanted to relay to you what I post here on DA.

My first one for this year is a bit early, and it's about one of my Tabletop characters, Darcy Amberguil

You can either comment here or on DA, whichever works. I don't mind critiques, especially here, where we can still be civil about it.


Dragon Goddess
Hey awesome! I'll go and watch you now!

Damn trolls, they really piss me off. if they don't like something they should just shut right up. I've dealt with them too and it was pretty dang annoying, but when they pick on my friends I get really angry. >_> trolling should be a bannable offense, for real.

anyway, I'll check out your stuff now.


Yeah Deviant Art doesn't seem to be very active anymore. It's so dead these days. Don't blame ya for not using it.

Good luck getting back into your artwork.

David FoxFire

Part of me actually likes it that way. People still know what it is, but it's not overcrowded with hacks, trolls, and drama queens anymore. Most of the plebeians have, at least I hope by now, moved on to easier places to be a snowflake.


Dragon Goddess
haha i guess that's one way to look at it. I feel like everyone left though. my friends are so inactive now it's kind of sad to see the old group break apart like that. but yeah, I guess they all moved on to tumblr or something else.

do you have a favorite "social media" ?

David FoxFire

It's an obscure one in some quarters: Google Plus. It has a perfect mix of unlimited characters; the ability to refrence pics, links, videos, and other media; the all-imporant Edit function; and a general population that has some intelligence and maturity, and gives Social Justice {BEEEEEP}heads the bird.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
That's a pretty good start for getting back into drawing! Her pose and expression look really nice. :)

David FoxFire

That's a pretty good start for getting back into drawing! Her pose and expression look really nice. :)
Thanks. I wanted an action pose and have a bit of dynamics involved, which is what was suggested to me in my previous study pieces of characters. I usually just have them standing there so I can work on the outfits.

[Editing this post to avoid the Double Post]

New Image for 01 Jan 16:

With this picture, I show two things. One is my return of hand-inked drawings, of which I start filing the rust off. I'll also be starting with computer inking with Draw Plus for a good amount of my working images, especially when it comes to the main projects. The second is my experimenting with styles, especially a variant which I'll use for a SD (Super Deformed) style. I recently downloaded Ryuutama (Source: ) which is described as "Hayao Miyazaki's Oregon Trail"to some. I call it "Studio Ghibli RPG" for the same reasons, which becomes apparent with the illustrations in the book. It has the same 'Family Anime' feeling. In this image for my Wednesday Recap, ( ) I start experimenting with the style for the smaller illos (usually for the gag images)
[doublepost=1452045754,1451584762][/doublepost]Risking a Double Post here, but I need to update this thread with two pics:
This is the title screen for Baldur's Gate Investigations. You'll notice that this will involve what I will use for serious artwork: Computer inking. I have a large digital tablets, as big as a HDMI monitor, which I use to draw on the computer. I use that to start drawing the lines, and then adjust them with the mouse. It takes more time, but it's worth it. I'll be using this style for most of the artwork on this project.
This is a sample of my map making for the Table Top RPGs I Dungoen Master. I have a couple campaigns that occupy the same space on the Forgotten Realms (Around the area East of the Graypeak Mountains) so I made this regional map to show traveling routes. These are hand inked and labeled on the computer.

David FoxFire

i do like your art, it has a nice style, apart from the wide knees, but it looks cool :)
Thanks for the good word. Knees are a bit too wide you say? Well even though anatomy is a common problem for many artists including myself, I do have to put into account clothing and all. I'll keep working on it.

You'll find out that I haven't been posting much here lately because I'm focusing on a project which I'll be posting on a different site the Dungeon Master's Guild ( to be precise. It's a campaign series that I'm making to help generate a quick buck or two. Once I get that out of the way, I'll come back here.

Bizarre Monkey

You're really good at expressions, and once you are able to achieve more parity between colors, you'll be doing really well for yourself. I hope you won't mind if I give you a little critical feedback, I think it would help!

You're posing is really good, and for the most part you aren't ambitious with colors, but where you are, you need to think about tone a little. Here's the best example of what you have so far.
See how the whole map is a sepia tone, then you have these brilliant blues and yellows and other colors among? That's what we call color-bleeding, and once you're aware of it, it's very easy to fix.

Just desaturating and overlaying it with a subtle yelloish-orange tint will do wonders for it's color parity.
See? But there's still clashing, and that's because the gal is entirely flat, while the map is brilliantly textured. Now I'm gonna just do a very simple addition to the gal's color layer.
It's a simple texture, but you can see now that she looks a part of the image. I did that in two simple photoshop additions, ultimately, it's best to considering everything from the beginning, but that;s what i meant by your tone is a little out of wack, I hope that helps!

Keep at it, mang!

David FoxFire

Thanks for the good words and feedback. I have to admit about my coloring: It's not my strong suit. I usually just cell shade things and paint in all flat colors. And every now and then, like I said, I do run into problems with color theory. I guess I focused more on anatomy and inking at this time and then moved on to improving my coloring when I nail down these two areas first. Either that or see if I can do the professional art with a partner to work on the pieces.

(Isn't that what most comic book artists do? I initially went into web comics erroniously thinking that there would be people who just do inking and coloring and would consider teaming up with me on projects so I won't have to do everything by myself. I'm rambling here.)

Having the artwork become a part of the picture behind me, both here and in other full bleed pics, with the filters you mentioned will be a good idea. I'll work on that next time the need comes up.