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Damaged Sprite Issue


Okay, so I'm doing a fight, and after the player wins, the event walks away, and falls down. Simple enough, right? You'd be wrong. I chose the Assassin dude (picture below) to represent the enemy, but when I select his damaged, or fallen, sprite, when It plays it in the game, it shows the damaged sprite for a different character. I have no idea why it does this, but it does. It doesn't do this for the regular sprite. ANY help is appreciated!



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Okay, so I'm doing a fight, and after the player wins, the event walks away, and falls down. Simple enough, right? You'd be wrong. I chose the Assassin dude (picture below) to represent the enemy, but when I select his damaged, or fallen, sprite, when It plays it in the game, it shows the damaged sprite for a different character. I have no idea why it does this, but it does. It doesn't do this for the regular sprite. ANY help is appreciated!
The damage characters are used by the direction you pick.
(I'm guessing that it's probably showing you either the orc-knight, demon-girl, or genie?)
  • Assassin = Down
  • Demon-Girl = Left
  • Orc-Knight = Right
  • Genie = Up
Make sure to set the event to face "down" and have the "direction fix" option checked.

Screenshots of the event setup:

Although because of my setup using a self switch to change the event graphic using a second event page, you really don't need to even change the graphic in the move-route in page 1.
That was purely just to demonstrate how it would be done if not using a self-switch.

Does this help?
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