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Creating clump problem

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I re-edited a few tiles for my project using Gimp.

I put them in the database tile sets and named them insideclump

I made sure their passage was set to impassable.

I can still walk on my clumps.

Can anyone help me make my clumps un-walkable?

(I can currently place fissures on them to prevent walking, but I don't know why they can be walked upon. I am guessing it might be either to a Gimp layer issue OR the name I used for their file in the Database)



∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Did you make the top left tile in this set as star ?*in the passabilty settings.

If nothing works just make invisible events on the clumps and set them "same as player" you won't be able to walk over them then too


I did not set the top left tile as a * because I read that that was important for 'B' tile sets, I can try that, although I will have to remake the sheet because
there is a clump in that position. :)

AND the event idea is great too. Thanks.


Okay. With Cunechan's suggestions, I figured out this:
Don't mix re-edits from different type of tile sets into one clump because making them all impassable is impossible just
using the * in the left hand place setting--at least at my skill level :)

Cunechan you were right, as I did use some images from the 'b' sheet and that was a problem. But I mixed images from a few tile sets and that
is the other part of my problem.

So-- I solved my issues using both of your solutions! AND I learned that if you re-edit images, watch the size of the sheet (because images get moved about if the edit sheet is too wide), and not to mix tile sets (until I am more skilled at least).

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I am closing this topic due to being solved if for any reason you would like it re-opened please report the post.
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