Personally I don't mind whatever haphazard way people type so long as I can understand them. Being on the internet long enough trains you to be tolerant to the witless. The sincere question should be priority.
If a moderator or admin is saying this...
"Please, DON'T capitalise every word, it makes your post annoying to read."
It means they are bad. That kind of low tolerance for infantile mistakes is the sort of shit I'd expect to see on Minecraft servers not forums of any respectability.
Since there are at most five forums that remain to bolster RPG maker, and since the ones I'm not banned from Don't have moderators that petty because I would be banned already if they did, I'm going to assume this is either or we're talking about.
HBgames, no one gives enough of a shit and it's so inactive I can't see that being a thing anyway.
RMN's staff are incredibly patient, as I've gone to great lengths testing them. RMN is rough, but it's roaming. There's no hugboxxing there, which is great if you're stalwart and trying to get better. Not so great if you're conceited and just want people to praise you.
RMRK? I really can't imagine that sort of behaviour from anyone but some of the unpopular members there, I never had a very good experience with RMRK but considering the amount of people in this thread who I know just flat out wouldn't go there are talking about it, I think it's been narrowed down.
RMW's staff? Some are okay, some are good, some are absolutely atrocious. This applies to as well, typically it seems to be the moderators who step out of line with things like this.
What I disagree with about the staff of those two groups is that a decision, unless under very extreme circumstances, is final, no matter how stupid or petty it is. They will defend each other zealously, the great thing about here and places like RMN is that we are run mostly on democracy, certainly, the admins/mods do have a bigger say than members, but the members are acknowledged, rather than completely ignored.
RMW is a totalitarian hugbox, VXACE is nearly the same but with a little less hugboxxing and a lot more 'make this game a different way because it offends me' baby's ward.
This site, at least in it's current moment and since it's founding, is the long sought middle ground between RMN and How long it will stay that way will be determined by it's members, moderators and admins. We all have the power to keep this forum the way it is.
I guess people (mod in question) that can't adapt to recognizing that a CAPITAL LETTER isn't always in the beginning of a sentence may get triggered. XD
Czech privrige.
RMW is basically 9gag, their humor tends to be years out of date and their main following tends to be pretty obnoxious and severely unfunny in a lot of cases. is pretty much Tumblr, people get butthurt very easily, don't want to hear anything but positives, full of babies and those who seek to be politically correct.
RMRK is like reddit, unfunny though at least consistently bad instead of trying to actually surprise you now or then. Most of it's members talk like redditors as well, only their humor is at least better.
RMN is p/much the closest in the rpgmaker community to old 4chan (current 8chan), no one cares who you are or what you do, they just like to make games and argue about politics and also jegus drama everywhere.
HBgames is facebook, no one really talks about games just life stuff. The few that do like Sated, Princess Amy, Bluxxon, myself and Strawberri are among the elite and purely because we actually do more than talk about cars or other inane topics entirely unrelated to game dev. Mostly everyone their is pretty friendly. If it was more active it could easily be the closest thing to a rival this site has.
This site doesn't have a cybernetic entity I could compare it to yet, very little drama, much morale, and everyone who comes here seems to be pretty happy.