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Classic RM2K Teleport & Escape Dungeon item/skill 0.2a

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Nechigawara submitted a new resource:

Teleport Skill - Allow the user to create classic RM2K Teleport Skill without using any game varaibles and event.

Teleport Skill 0.1
By Nechigawara Sanzenin @ Gamindustri

This script allow the user to create classic RM2K Teleport Skill without using any game varaibles and event.

  • Save Teleport Location from current player location
  • Allow User to Manual Disable/Enable Skill
  • Skill will auto disable if location is blank, in Vehicle, in Battle
  • User can set teleport transition and direction

How to use
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Staff member
Does the teleportation have to occur to places already visited?

Is there a line of sight teleportation ability?


Praised Adventurer
Very...interesting lol. This sounds a lot like my "transportation" eventing I had to make except with teleportation heh. I'll have to check into this and see if it would fit in my project as well. But yeah I made something like this that dealt with a vehicle that would come and "pick up" the party to take them elsewhere heh. xD nice addition!


Does the teleportation have to occur to places already visited?

Is there a line of sight teleportation ability?
Currently, yes. Since the skill description in RM2K is "Teleports to a previously visited town.".
So I decide to take input from the current player location to make it more easy for using.

For a manual way to save the location, I will do it after having a request.

Alcha Emy

Towns Guard
Okkk so say I wanted to make it so the item I give the player simply teleports(escapes?) them to the mouth of a dungen, how I make it so that does that? Causssse I'm a little confused on how the whole thing works. Do I have to set up events with plugin commands that activate when they come onto the map so when they use the teleport(escape?) item that THAT spot will be the one they are brought to? And then would I have to set up another plugin command say on the world map to disable teleport(escape) item so that if they try to use it all the way on the otherside of the map it won't work?


Okkk so say I wanted to make it so the item I give the player simply teleports(escapes?) them to the mouth of a dungen, how I make it so that does that? Causssse I'm a little confused on how the whole thing works. Do I have to set up events with plugin commands that activate when they come onto the map so when they use the teleport(escape?) item that THAT spot will be the one they are brought to? And then would I have to set up another plugin command say on the world map to disable teleport(escape) item so that if they try to use it all the way on the otherside of the map it won't work?
1. Yes, you have to set the event to become a teleport spot/escape . I suggest you to make this event as the blank one that activate when the player pass through it. After the location is set, teleport/escape will be able to use to warp to that spot.
2. Teleport is design to allow the player to use everywhere, while escape need the user to config which tilesets are the Dungeon. The escape will only
work when the player is in the map with dungeon tileset. Manual enable/Disable is create for when the creator want to make some area cannot use those skill although the conditions are met.

Alcha Emy

Towns Guard
1. Yes, you have to set the event to become a teleport spot/escape . I suggest you to make this event as the blank one that activate when the player pass through it. After the location is set, teleport/escape will be able to use to warp to that spot.
2. Teleport is design to allow the player to use everywhere, while escape need the user to config which tilesets are the Dungeon. The escape will only
work when the player is in the map with dungeon tileset. Manual enable/Disable is create for when the creator want to make some area cannot use those skill although the conditions are met.
Ah! Thanks for the info!


1. Yes, you have to set the event to become a teleport spot/escape . I suggest you to make this event as the blank one that activate when the player pass through it. After the location is set, teleport/escape will be able to use to warp to that spot.
2. Teleport is design to allow the player to use everywhere, while escape need the user to config which tilesets are the Dungeon. The escape will only
work when the player is in the map with dungeon tileset. Manual enable/Disable is create for when the creator want to make some area cannot use those skill although the conditions are met.
Can you explain more thoroughly how this is done? How do I set up the teleport spot? Like what do I insert there?


Can you explain more thoroughly how this is done? How do I set up the teleport spot? Like what do I insert there?
1. You have to set the event to become a teleport spot/escape. I suggest you to make this event as the blank one that activate when the player pass through it by plugin command :

nec_settelelocation for Teleport
nec_setescapelocation for Escape

2. After the location is set, teleport/escape will be able to use to warp to that spot. Then for the skill/item just put these in note:

<TELEPORT> : Make item/skill has Teleport effect.
<ESCAPE> : Make item/skill has Escape effect.
Remember to allow the skill/item to be able to use on map, or that skill/item will be useless.
