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Class Skills


So last night I hit an unexpected wall... And that was when I was trying to come
up with skills for all the classes in my up coming game. Now I wasn't 100% sure
if I should come to you guys for some ideas but I thought it couldn't hurt to try since
I have 8 classes that all mostly need 10 skills.

First the classes so all of you know what to think about for skills ( I have one class
out because I thought of the skills for it already)

Dark Monk - A fist fighter like most monks but uses dark magics and skills to give
the upper hand to his teammates.

- This is my games version of the thief.

- This is a glass cannon class, so most of the skills should be either
physical attacks or buffs.

- Finally made it to the warrior class, Except that instead of swords and
shields they are Scythe wielders. (Fun fact: the old words Scythe derived from
helped me come up with the class name).

(not the final name yet) - So this is the Priestess/Priest of this game
I wanted to change it up but I think I fell a little short. But I don't know how
everyone does there Priest classes but mine is a healer of statuses more than
anything else.

So I wanna know what you guys think, if this was alright to bring to the forums.
I will be writing down any and all ideas. I really hope I did ok here lol. But also
if you guys see any glaring problems let me know.

Classes with finished skill sets -
Black Mage
White Mage
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Dragon Goddess
Cool, I like how you are changing some of the more traditional roles. I'll try to provide some ideas... bear with me because I'm having trouble coming up with ideas lately haha. OK let's see...

Green Mage - Tanky mage... so something like a Spellsword/Magic Knight I'm thinking? My initial thoughts lead me to believe that Paladin is your physical tank, and Green Mage is more along the lines of a Magic Tank with high elemental defense.

So...some basic skill ideas...

1-Elemental defense buffs either for himself or the whole team

2-Elemental attribute buffs for himself/team (ie, can add Water element to weapon to do more damage to Fire-type enemies)

3-Maybe give him a spell that makes a magical dummy to protect an ally? Either it can last 1 turn or take a certain amount of damage. Or, absorbs 1 spell against an ally/team.

4-A skill that draws upon an enemy's primary element to empower his own defense to that element? (kind of like #1, but a more unique idea)

5-Enslave Elemental: If there are magic spirits/elementals on the enemy side, you can enslave it for a few turns? Maybe to balance it you can make it so this spell is only useable if you have high enough magic defense against that element. (Like, 50+ Fire Defense needed in order to enslave a Fire Elemental)

6-Draw Elements: Casts a veil over the team that directs all magical attacks to himself.

7-Absorb Element: Maybe this could be like a toggle or equippable item/skill before battle that absorbs a certain percentage of specific elemental damage towards him and converts it into Mana. (so like, you equip Absorb Element: Fire before battle, then use #6 if you're fighting against fire elementals to keep your mana up)

8-Empower: Gives some of his own MP to an ally and/or raises their Magical Attack.

9-Elemental Discharge: If he takes x amount of elemental damage, he can unleash a powerful, multi-elemental (or non-elemental) attack on foes, this skill would also work as a mass Provoke towards enemies, forcing them to attack him for x turns. Maybe a meter that would build up over battles? Dunno. It could be a per-battle thing, and it could just be a mass-provoke instead of doing damage.

10-Your basic elemental blade attacks. Lightning blade, water blade, fire blade, etc etc.

that's all for now, I might come back later and try to come up with other ideas if you like these!


@Micro Im so sorry to be the barrer of bad news ;-; but I cut the green mage
and didn't get around to taking it off this thread. But I do like the ideas you posted
and I think I can add some to another class :3
I don't really know about your lore, so I couldn't go into too great of detail, but I hope this helps.

Dark Monk -

Enfeebling Mantra: debuff for enemy (defense down, attack down, or maybe both?)
Null Mantra: removes buffs for enemy
Culling Mantra: damage + status effect for enemy
Enthralling Mantra: choose target for enemy's next attack
Crushing Mantra: deal damage to enemy
Constricting Mantra: deal small amount of damage, silence enemy
Suffering: melee attack, deals extra damage to enemy if they are below certain hp%
Exposing strike: deal small amount of damage, inflicts status effect which increases damage the target takes for the next turn or two
Sacrifice: kill an ally, inflict the ally's remaining/or maybe maximum? health as damage to target enemy (I have no idea what health pools in your game look this move might be too broken and should not be used.)
Dark Heart: strike all enemies with status debuffs, dealing additional damage for each target hit

Brisker -
Preparation: target hero, the next ability this player does cannot miss, or fail
Disarm: Disarm enemy for x amount of turns, they must use basic attack (this move should have an extremely low success rate)
Dangerous Game: Throw gas bomb, all enemies attack random targets (possibly including each other) for the next turn or two
Backstab: Deal large damage to a single target, this move should have a naturally very low chance of success, 100% success rate against targets afflicted with status effect (not debuff, things like poison or bleed)
Serration: Next three attacks inflict bleed
The Swap: The next time you steal from a target: place a bomb on them (causes aoe damage one turn later)
Mugging: The next time you steal from a target: deal moderate damage and stun them for one turn.
Steal: steal some money (because all thieves need this move)
Cheap Shot: Blind enemy for X turns
Assassinate: kill target if they are afflicted with status effect (not debuff) and they are below x% (obviously this would not work on bosses)

Embarker -

Unfortunately....I have no idea about the lore for your game, so something like an "Embarker" is kind of alien to me. However, just add some generic buffs, with some lore appropriate names, and you should be good.

Zeiser - (this one has 11, but that's alright)
The Cradle: Your attacks restore health for the next three turns (not sure how you would calculate this....% of maximum hp maybe?)
The Grave: Your attacks deal additional damage for the next three turns
Reap: Deal damage to target enemy, if "The Cradle" is active, then restore hp to your allies, if "the grave" is active, then deal the additional damage to all enemies.
Shock: Deal damage to target enemy, if "The Cradle" is active, then prevent the next status effect which would affect an ally, if "The Grave" is active, then paralyze the enemy (stun if paralyze isn't an available status effect)
Denial: Deal very little damage to an enemy, if "The Cradle" is active, then your party takes reduced damage next turn, if "The grave is active, remove status buffs.
Bargaining: deal small damage to target enemy and afflict with bleed, if "The Cradle" is active; take the next attack target ally would take for them, if "The grave" is active immediately deal all damage that bleed would have dealt and then apply bleed.
Guilt: deal damage, if "The Cradle" is active, then your target may not target the same person more than once for the next x turns (aoe spells are not effected), if "The Grave" is active, your target may not use the same move more than once for the next x turns (basic attack excluded)
Anger: Deal a large amount of damage, consumes "The Cradle" and "The Grave" buff
Depression: Deal damage to an enemy, if "The Cradle" is active give a random buff to an ally, if "The grave is active then give an enemy a random status debuff (attack down, defense down, etc)
Acceptance: Nobody may die until the "Zeiser's" next turn (enemies included)

Follower -

I'm not really sure you need this one, you can just give the White Mage or the Embarker aoe and single target status removal. However, if you do decide to keep it. Maybe it can do HoTs, transer mana to other party members, etc
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@Wiskersthefif Wow thats super helpful, I mostly skimmed it
but what I've read has been really nice. Maybe a few name
changes. But it helps a lot.

And well just think of an Embarker as a Amazon class or
just in general a Glass Cannon. One that doesn't have much
health but is just a MASSIVE damage dealer.