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Clark Exp Limit 1.1

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If the limit is just below a level up range for a class then every time experience is gained the level up message will appear.

Also the changeLevel command will bypass this, only to be reset when the next gainExp is called, and the initialisation stage will ignore the limit as well.

It would probably be better to implement this at the changeExp function instead;
var expLimit = $.Parameters["ExpLimit"]; // Store to prevent constant access of $ (wtf?) and Parameters

var _Game_Actor_changeExp = Game_Actor.prototype.changeExp;
Game_Actor.prototype.changeExp = function( exp,  show ) {
    if ( this.atLimit ) {
       return; // Cancel if actor is already at the limit
    exp = ( exp > expLimit ? expLimit : exp ); // Clamp exp setting to the limit
    this.atLimit = ( exp == expLimit ); // If we've hit the expLimit, set atLimit to true this, exp, show ); // Change actor experience
The following would fix the initialisation problem;
var _Game_Actor_initExp = Game_Actor.prototype.initExp;
Game_Actor.prototype.initExp = function() { this ); // Initialise exp
    if ( this._exp[this._classId] >= expLimit ) {
        this._exp[this._classId] = expLimit; // Clamp exp to limit
        this.atLimit = true; // Set that we're at the limit