Indie Dev

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Hello to everybody :)

Just a greeting to introduce myself.
It's been a long time since i put hands on RPG Maker(s). But now that JavaScript can help me in that, i fell again into its "trap" :D

I love to create stories, creatures, worlds, whatever my imagination can reach. I'm just a beginner with RMMV but i will slooooowly try my best!

Thanks to you all :)
Ciao! ^_^/


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Hello there! I do so welcome you to the forums of chaotic insanity and I hope you enjoy your stay here!

A writer! Sweet! I've got a question then. What kinds of creatures do you like to come up with? And what about your worlds? What backstories do they have?

I personally adore, admire, and truly love horrific, terrifying creatures of unimaginable terror and backstories usually will involve something dark...

Although I do write whatever idea catches my fancy.


Global Moderator
It's hard not to fall into the trap. It's well made! Like you, I love making stories and worlds. Let's make some really neat ones, kay? I look forward to knowing you more.


Resident Dragon
Welcome, outlander, to our glorious hovel :D Feel free to ask any questions you may have. We've all fallen into the trap so the least we can do is help you accept the fact that THERE IS NO ESCAPE! >:3 Haha :)